pog gop pogging poggers

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The GOP and the Supreme Court today.

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Can't fault it the GOP is doing so much evil stupid stuff lately you have to do something.

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Für normale Menschen war "The Handmaid's Tale" eine Warnung und eine Dystopie.
Für die GOP war es eine Blaupause.

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SCOTUS zealots rule to overturn The GOP has failed American women on a level that is unforgivable. Vote out the corrupt Republican Party and expand the court! We will never go back.

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GOP hiding under their desks. Nick Anderson https://t.co/DXzqq8s4Do

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This is what Ohio GOP lawmakers and no-spine DeWine think is appropriate for schools. https://t.co/F8HrnykHID

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Just so you're prepared for the Jan6 televised bits next week, here is the GOP Playbook. And of course, this is what they expect their constituents to follow.

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*listening to music*
Me: -La la la ~
*Wild Lady GaGa's song appears*
Me: -Oh cool! I love Poker face by Lady GaGa!
Gop: Dude, that's Just dance, not Poker face.
Me: ._.

...I failed as a gay person.

Happy pride month

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The NRA/Kremlin/GOP wins when Americans feel despair, incredulity, & powerlessness because the goal is to destroy democracy. They stoke division, racial hatred, economic chaos, vaccine hesitancy, & mass shootings.

We’ve reached the turning point. or lose everything.

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I set the lyrics to David Bowie’s anti-fascist song “Big Brother to the rise of the vile conservatives / GOP who brought Trump & Trumpism to power. * Colored by . FREE to read at . Stop fascism … stop the GOP. https://t.co/B3lg8IEsS3

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As more and more facts come to light about Uvalde, the GOP must be really sweating, because the choices seem to be:

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The rest of the western world long learned these lessons the hard way and moved quickly to change laws. While the US continues its bizarre obsession with firearms and the NRA has the GOP on its payroll - nothing will change. via https://t.co/xU8wqPwqj1

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