# pixar
画質 高画質

Un fanart de UP Aquí las herramientas que utilicé:
Programa: Photoshop, mi curso gratuito desde cero https://t.co/E6B5w6XJDK
Brushes PS: Kit para ilustradores y no ilustradores https://t.co/oGXKm7WDhk
Tableta: Huion Kamvas PRO 16 de 4k review https://t.co/Tvg8RbPyU1

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My first tablet: Huion H610 (June 2018)
Latest tablet: Xp Pen Artist 22r Pro (Oct 2022)

My dream to have a screen tablet was fulfilled but sadly no energy to draw cuz of irl job sobs 🙃 https://t.co/3DknMJBigb

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I also had a very early huion model between my intuos pro small and my huion kamvas 16, holy shit i am old https://t.co/EfX89saAlF

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First vs Current

Started with the Huion H610 Pro, to the Huion H610 Pro V2 and ended up with a Huion Kamvas Pro 13. QwQ One day I’ll have enough money for a Huion Studio 16. One day! 😭😭😭 https://t.co/ECLDYc6Fwa

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Got the first tablet in 2017 i think(maybe 2016, idr). Current tablet i got for Christmas 2022 :>

Tablet on the left is the Huion H420. Tablet on the right is the Huion Kamvas 13 https://t.co/2HQgmtme8u

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left: Wacom Graphire4 in like 2005
right: Huion Kamvas 22 Plus since 2021

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Wacom Bamboo CTL-470 in 2013, Huion GT-190 in 2018/19, and Cintiq 16 since 2020. The cord for my CTL is frayed and I can't find a working driver anymore 😭😭 i miss her. the screen on my huion straight fucked up and i couldnt use it anymore :(( https://t.co/gUCDEqva8S

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My first tablet was a Wacom Intuos which I bought in mid 2018, and it has served me incredibly well until this january.
Ive wanted to buy a screen tablet for a long time, so I went for the cheapest one i could find, and Im having a lot of fun with my new Huion Kanvas 12 https://t.co/RNr6ESpHpt

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in between those I had a huion but my pc is ass I like to draw everywhere, not glued to my desk😵‍💫
my ipad is my baby now I love it to death🫶🤲 https://t.co/XdmhPNW5uI

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First tablet was my trustworthy wacom intuos pro (the old edition) and I currently have a huion kamvas 22 plus/13 https://t.co/n3KBCuOnTg

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*Hands rub*
I started with the Wacom Bamboo to Huion GT-191 v1
to IPad Pro (I drew on that for 2 years because my workspace was too small) to Huion KAMVAS Pro 24 4K 💜
I still use my IPad when I'm traveling around or on cons! https://t.co/L0CEEucMhO

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I started with a Parblo a610, then an XP-Pen Artist 12 (first gen) and now I use a Huion Kamvas 13 https://t.co/EXwlh9B25R

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first: wacom intuos comic small(2014-2018)

latest: huion kamvas pro 13 gt-133(2018-) + ipad 9th gen(2021) 😳 https://t.co/2vmr1CZBVP

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my very first tablet was the Intuos Draw, then I got the Cintiq 13HD, and now I'm using Huion Kamvas Pro 20 💫

I still have all them all actually!! the two older ones malfunction sometimes though https://t.co/CL4uhwZ7TI

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Wacom intuos pro M (2014-2019) > Gaomon PD1560(2019-2022) > Huion Kamvas 22 Plus (2022 - present) https://t.co/zbrUdiSTJk

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i never end up using the huion because of how crusty and laggy my laptop was at the time.

Switched to a non screen wacom in the middle to get used to tablet, and then my friend sold her screen gaomon for like over half of it's original price for me so that's where i'm at https://t.co/c9QNqcxCiH

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technically my first is a bamboo I found at a flea market but it didn't have a pen so the first one i actually used was a huion giano I got for my birthday and now I got a Kamvas Pro 20 and I love it https://t.co/UfukGkh2WO

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Only tablet I've ever owned was the Huion Kamvas 13 https://t.co/fIX0lfm631

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