Hikaru colored ver dari sket yg tadi.. hikaru dulu, masi butuh keberanian gambar sai

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//menghibur diri sendiri :"))

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Karena biasanya sai yg nempel ke hikaru jadi aku buat yg versi reverse x"D AAAAA SUKA BANGET HIKARU NO GO ❤❤❤

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And old art I made in 2015 for Sports Only Zine by ! Wow, its already that long :O

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rereading hikago and you know what that means. ...having to deal with the emotional turmoil of seeing akira's outfits (i've never been so grateful for manga being in black and white)

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Rewatching Hikaru no Go.
My favorite character there is Asumi Nase [ *w*]

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