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#ChaeLim #チェ・リム #채림 #蔡琳 #LienNeville #リアン・ネヴィル #SNK #KOF #KOFMI #KOFMI2 #KOFMIA #SixFanarts
My two favorites ladies in the Maximum Impact series ❤😊
- Chae Lim made by @neorene_lips
- Lien Neville made by @deu5_exx
Congratulations to the artists 👍
#MaiShiranui #不知火舞 #XiaoLon #シャオロン #笑龍 #SNK #KOF #KOFMI2 #KOFMIA #SixFanarts
"Good" memories of Smash Ultimate 😅
- Mai Shiranui (alt. costume A) made by @DoodlesTula
- Xiao Lon made by @R_Nightshade
Note: That costume for Mai is from KOF Maximum Impact 2
#テリーの豆知識 セス編
諜報機関のエージェントでヴァネッサとは同僚。紅丸とは旧友。ネスツ解体の為ハイデルン率いる傭兵部隊と共同作戦を組んでいるぜ!KOFMIでも重要人物として登場してるな!攻撃力が高く多彩な当て身技を持つ上級者向けのキャラだ!(2000では色んな意味で最強)中の人はゴロリ君。 https://t.co/Yt9vFSIalZ
#FiolinaGermi #フィオ #フィオリーナ・ジェルミ #LillyKane #リリィ・カーン
#SNK #KOF #KOFMI2 #KOFMIA #MetalSlug #メタルスラッグ #sixfanarts
- Fiolina 'Fio' Germi (main costume) made by @Kuribelle
- Lilly Kane (alt. costume A) made by @jmieldesigns
Many thanks to the artists.
#AlbaMeira #アルバ・メイラ #MoeHabana #葉花萌 #SNK #KOF #KOFMI #KOFMI2 #KOFMIA #KOFEX #KOFEX2
Today's pictures are:
- Alba Meira (from KOF Maximum Impact) made by @Fukahi_official
- Moe Habana (from KOF EX: Neo Blood) made by @energy_vector
Have a nice day 😊
#LienNeville #リアン・ネヴィル #YuriSakazaki #ユリ・サカザキ #KOF #KOFMI #KOFMI2 #KOFMIA #SNK #SixFanarts
- Lien Neville made by @Pantherxlt
- Yuri Sakazaki (alt. costume G) made by @h_ff_0811
Good memories when #Sixfanarts was popular 😊
Please support the artists.
#AlbaMeira #アルバ・メイラ #XiaoLon #シャオロン #KOF #KOFMI #KOFMI2 #KOFMIA #SixFanarts
The Maximum Impact series have great characters.
- Alba Meira made by @tombaconart
- Xiao Lon made by @DanteLionheart
Thank you very much to the artists, for their effort 👍🙂
#LillyKane #リリィ・カーン #MaiShiranui #不知火舞 #SNK #KOF #KOFMI2 #SixFanartsChallenge
This is turning into a fashion show at this point 😊
- Lilly Kane (normal costume F) made by
- Mai Shiranui (normal costume H) made by @25mark_nobu
Thanks for watching!
#YuriSakazaki #ユリ・サカザキ #ChaeLim #チェ・リム #FiolinaGermi #フィオリーナ・ジェルミ #フィオ #KOF #KOFMI2 #SixFanartsChallenge
- Yuri Sakazaki (alt. costume G)
- Chae Lim (alt. costume G)
- Fiolina "Fio" Germi (alt. costume E)
These pictures were made by @Michell79422501
#MignonBeart #ミニョン・ベアール #NinonBeart #ニノン・ベアール #KOF #KOFMI #KOFMI2 #KOFMIA #SixFanartsChallenge
Today's fanarts are about a pair of magicians who are also sisters.
- Mignon Beart made by @KAROHUJIwtf
- Ninon Beart made by @cold_soy
Many thanks to the artists!
#ChaeLim #チェ・リム #KOF #KOFMI2
5th of May was Chae Lim's birthday...and I forgot 😅
- Chae Lim (normal costume H) was made by @Elqueilustra
- Chae Lim (alt. costume E) was made by @takanaribu
Many thanks to the artists 👏😄
Please follow them.
#KulaDiamond #Nagase #KOF #KOFMI2 #KOFMIA #SixFanartsChallenge
Both girls are cute 😊
- Kula Diamond ❄ (alt. costume A)
- Nagase 🔥
Both pictures were made by @mirumeno
Please follow the artist.
Have a nice day everyone.
#ChaeLim #YuriSakazaki #KOF #KOFMI2 #SixFanartsChallenge
- Chae Lim (alt. costume H) made by @JFairbZ
- Yuri Sakazaki (alt. costume A) made by @whitepuregrey
We have to support artists.
Encourage them for their accomplishments of today so that they continue to improve 👍😄
#LuiseMeyrink #YuriSakazaki #KOF #KOFMI2 #SixFanartsChallenge
- Luise Meyrink made by @eatedcookie
- Yuri Sakazaki (alt. costume D) made by @TONB39490150
Thanks to the artists.
I wish more people would play KOF Maximum Impact 2
#ChaeLim #MignonBeart #KOF #KOFMI #KOFMI2 #SixFanartsChallenge
Taekwondo and Magical Girl.
- Chae Lim (normal costume H) made by
- Mignon Beart made by
Many thanks to the artists.
They deserve appreciation for their work 👍
#LienNeville #LuiseMeyrink #KOF #KOFMI2 #KOFMIA #SixFanartsChallenge
I feel like a little kid collecting stickers all over again 😊
Today's fanarts are:
- Luise Meyrink made by @ewokakukuroe
- Lien Neville (alt. costume G) made by @cameronkieffer
#LienNeville #MaiShiranui #KOF #KOFMI2 #SixFanartsChallenge
Note: Those costume came from the King of Fighters Maximum Impact 2
- Lien Neville (alt. costume A) made by @steven_purifoy
-Mai Shiranui (alt. costume F) made by @333ki33mi
I thank the artists for their effort.
#LeonaHeidern #MignonBeart #KOF #KOFMI #KOFMI2 #SixFanartsChallenge
- Leona (alt. costume A) was made by @Luca_Chemie
- Mignon Beart (alt. costume A) was made by @Slieddie
KOF Maximum Impact 2 have awesome costumes for the female fighters.
Many thanks to the artists 👍
#KOF #KOFMI #KOFMI2 #SixFanartsChallenge #SixFanarts
-Chae Lim (alt. costume A) made by
-Nagase made by @JGS_FS
-Lien Neville made by @Aeyolin
-Chae Lim (alt. costume H) made by
Many thanks to the artists! ^_^
#LuiseMeyrink #ルイーゼ・マイリンク #KulaDiamond #クーラ・ダイアモンド
#SNK #KOF #KOFMI2 #KOFXV #SNKHeroines #SNKヒロインズ
The Ice Princess and the Space Butterfly.
If I didn't know these characters, I would say that they are siblings.
Luise for KOF XV and SNK Heroines!