As you know,
February 13th is Mignon's birthday 💖

As a way to celebrate it,
Here are some fanarts of her that I requested during the popularity.

Mignon Beart for and

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February 13th

Shermie (King of Fighters)
Mignon Beart (King of Fighters)

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- Mignon Beart (alt. costume A) made by

- Lien Neville (alt. costume A) made by

Many thanks to the artists 😄
Please support their work.

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Pet this sassy cat, please 🖤"

Lien wearing Mignon's cat costume!
Who says black cats bring bad luck? 😍
Angel has competition now.

This drawing was made by Yuhki

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- Lien Neville (normal costume E)
- Mignon Beart (alt. costume A)
- Lady Brian

Who is your favorite?

These cute drawings were made by

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Small trivia: Both ladies celebrate their birthday on the same day, February 13

- Mignon Beart made by

- Shermie made by

Many thanks to the artists 😄

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- Mignon Beart (alt. costume A) made by

- Nagase made by

Two amazing (and pretty) KOF ladies who should return for future games.

Who is your favorite?

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Today's fanarts are about a pair of magicians who are also sisters.

- Mignon Beart made by

- Ninon Beart made by

Many thanks to the artists!

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Many fighting games have a cat lady or a girl who likes to wear Neko clothes.

KOF have Mignon Beart.
She is cuter than Lucky Chloe.

Mignon for KOF XV and SNK Heroines!

This picture was made by Tiakah

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Mignon is a young white magic witch-in-training.
She is clumsy but very cheerful 😊

She would be perfect for SNK Heroines (or KOF All Stars)

This picture was made by えまり

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No matter how different they are,
the Beart sisters are pretty and awesome 🖤💖

Please SNK, bring them back 🙏 (KOFXV or SNK Heroines)

These pictures were made by juksay-orionis

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Mignon Beart, the clumsy magician.
The self-proclaimed rival of Athena Asamiya.

I love her alternative costume.
I like cat girls 😊

I would love to see Mignon in SNK Heroines or KOF XV

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1枚目− ニノン・ベアール
2枚目− ミニョン・ベアール
3枚目− B.ジェニー
4枚目− 不知火 舞

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