Redraw of Subz's character pic!! Originally I just doodled it for fun but once you use something to experiment stuff it's downhill from there ☠️

39 177

Yet another Lifesteal themed Valentine's Day card to send to your favorite person! (Clown is very hard to draw)


9 74

Send a Lifesteal themed Valentine's Day card to your favorite person today! featuring Parrot and Spoke :D


22 188

Samira nerfs:
- P bonus movement speed per stack changed from 3.5% flat to 1% - 4% (1/6/11/16)
- R lifesteal effectiveness reduced from 66.6% to 50%

65 2138

and the universe said the light you seek is within you

27 86

I'm doing what I do best, which is looking at a design, liking the design, THEN THROWING IT OUT THE WINDOW HERES MY TAKE ON ECLIPSE FEDERATION ZAM!!

Please don't gut me Lifesteal fandom I don't know much other than he is now purple and sad

50 226

" The king has lost his crown. A joker with false ideals celebrates. "

17 102

Everytime people talk about how cool a lifesteal stream is I feel like this

1 29

its the business guy from the deadliest smp ever 😱 [Repost cuz i accidentally messed smth up]

4 22

POV: your fighting

ngl I have been wanting to make this for awhile

27 191

spare 8 i draw princezam (and other lifesteal members sometimes)

13 65

nonsense posts from cog cogmented tumblr

15 58

theres so many lifesteal artists. /lh

0 5

new lifesteal meta: sign warfare (i want zam to hit mapicc over the head with a sign)

13 63