//=time() ?>
drawing / doodle idk || credit to @synzise for the wing rendering [@ParrotXP #parrotfanart #lifestealfanart #parrotx2fanart ] (Untag cc’s when reply especially Synz)
havoc duo art but i have extremely shaky hands + testing new program + my watermark is so terribly written + no stabalization :(
#havocduo #parrotfanart #spokefanart
Send a Lifesteal themed Valentine's Day card to your favorite person today! featuring Parrot and Spoke :D
[#lifestealfanart #parrotfanart #spokefanart]
I support (extended) team awesome’s rights, but also their many, many wrongs
#mapiccfanart #roshambofanart #spokefanart #parrotfanart
(untag cc in replies)
#parrotfanart #parrotx2fanart #lifestealsmp #lifestealsmpfanart
seeing the cc i watched before i moved to mcyt reacting to one of the mcytubers i watch is so /pos
[Two Birds
#parrotfanart #flamingofanart ]
The Deadliest Minecraft SMP
(unnamed au i came up with)
#lifestealfanart #pangifanart #princezamfanart #reddoonsfanart #ashswagfanart #spokefanart #parrotfanart #mapiccfanart #roshambofanart
Designs concept lolol
#parrotfanart #roshambofanart #spokefanart #lifestealsmpfanart
#lifestealfanart #parrotfanart #roshambogamesfanart #spokeisherefanart #vort3xdragonfanart
adding to the thread before 2022 ends! this was the start of parrot with a mullet propaganda lol
Day 1: the member I watched the most!
(untag cc in replies)
#lifestealtober #parrotx2fanart #parrotfanart #lifestealfanart #lifestealsmp #mcytart #mcytfanart #inktober2022
#lifestealtober day 1: the lifesteal member you watch the most
#lifestealsmpfanart #parrotfanart
really proud of this s3 finale art :)
#lifestealsmp #lifestealsmpfanart #spokeisherefanart #parrotfanart
gg Rek, L parrot
[#parrotxpfanart #parrotfanart #rekrapfanart #parker2fanart]
Wonder who'll win the race
[#parrotfanart #parrotXPFanart #RekrapFanart #Rekrap2Fanart]
So… I thought Parrot was a different kind of parrot and I ended up making his design a completely different color. I’ve been doing it wrong for a few months now AND NOBODY TOLD ME!?
So here’s my old design vs my new one. Which one’s better?
#parrotfanart #lifestealsmp