by Gemein/mean

The gurble-snatch is one mean little monster. He just loves to hide out in your washing machine and steal just one sock out of every pair!

4 39


Der „Kuchen-versalzen-Gnom“ ist ja wohl ohne Zweifel das gemeinste Monster der Welt. Punkt!

The "cake oversalting gnome" is without doubt the meanest monster in the world. Period!

7 38

Morgen ist ein ganz besonderer Tag. Möchtet ihr dafür die liebsten Monster rausholen, die Ihr Euch vorstellen könnt?

Tomorrow is a very special day. Would you like to get out the dearest monsters you can imagine for it?

Stay tuned!

3 28

by sexy

Elsa loves looking in the mirror and making herself sexy for her boyfriend, Bela. A little perfume here, and mascara there, plus a liter or two of lipstick does the job just right 💋

2 35

Das ist das Monster 'Strip-Zwiebli'. Es ist sehr sexy, denn es kann nach und nach die Hüllen fallen lassen😉😁

3 20

No 20: SEXY
Erwin hat den heißen Look und außerdem den unwiderstehlichen „GERUCH“

Erwin has the hot look and also the irresistible "SMELL".

6 31

Invented Monster No.19
Excited/Aufgeregt this weeks prompt from

7 21

Bin auch etwas spät! by von gestern: MUSIKALISCH -Drummy spielt gerne laut und schnell, manchmal auch mir Lieder meiner Lieblingsbands vor 🤘😁🤘

1 7

No 18: musikalisch/musically

Pauls Onkel Uuuhwe war, wie alle Grummelmonster, ein begnadeter Musiker mit verdammt viel Soul.

Paul's Uncle Gaaarth, like all grumble monsters, was a gifted musician with a hell of a lot of soul.

7 34

Thank you, for the the ticket.
I also share my contributions to 's
I like to invite the monster inventors & to share their 😱

5 12

Not again! 😆 just kidding and thanks for inviting me back on board the ! I like the idea of sharing so I'll also share some of mine! I invite if they want to join

8 17

Danke for giving me a ticket to the to keep the monster theme going here are some of my beasts from your excellent Sunday prompts.. I would like to tag and anyone else

5 16

No 17: verspielt/playful

Bruno, das beinahe schrecklichste Monster der Welt!
Bruno, the almost most terrifying monster of the world!

12 48

No 16: Müde/Tired
Das ist Olf, der 24/7 Online-Ork
This is Olf, the 24/7 Online Orc

3 20

No 15 by


This is Zombert, the monster baby. He pulled off the last head on his person collection and now he is bored.

2 24