Thomas Edison has a plan to fix the energy crisis of the future.

Too bad 1. he stole it from Tesla and 2. the experiment is going to blow up in his face and have enormous repercussions for 1900s NYC!

Order American Dreams Issue 1 now from or your LCS

1 5

Well, todays your lucky day as I've acctually made my own splatoon exe
Their name is agent alpha and the premise is that just
"What if agent 3 lost in splatoon 1?"
And the repercussions of it.

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And here! March Band attire Cherie Reporting for duty!

She can't play much percussion or anything that she has to pull to her chest... But as least using this relies on resting atop instead. XD

(I can't believe I actually got something done quick. 🤯)

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God I didn't expect all this repercussion, thank you so much for like my art ❤️ also they are good friends 🗿

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