I’m in!

I’ll bring my copy of Terry Pratchett’s The Last Hero for inspiration - gotta love ’s depictions of geriatric barbarians.

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Another banger from for the coming winter months. Nothing like sitting next to a fire reading your favorite Terry Pratchett novels.

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I've recently gotten into reading Terry Pratchett books and feeling late to the party but I've also only just found out some of my favourite games like the 2013 Tomb Raider, Mirror's Edge and Bioshock Infinite was worked on by his daughter !!

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"Witches don't like to be seen running. It looks unprofessional."
~ Terry Pratchett

Gorgeous 🎨 by Francisco Iglesias Perianez

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I have not been tagged, and neither will I tag. Be gay, do memes.

Gytha "Nanny" Ogg, Discworld, Terry Pratchett.
Holly Prescott, The Lynburn Legacy, Sarah Rees Brennan.
Toad, Frog and Toad, Arnold Lobel.

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Atenció! Avui arriba a les llibreries «Déus menuts», la quarta novel·la del que publiquem i també la que obre l’arc dels «Llibres independents», novel·les autoconclusives perfectes per endinsar-se en l’univers creat per Terry Pratchett.

Us expliquem una mica més! ⬇️⬇️⬇️

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Time for August's art dump!!1!

These are all drawings that I shared on my Patreon about a month ago, starting with a Spooky Jenn inspired by my unexpectedly long airport adventure just from Ottawa to Toronto :')

(I was reading Pratchett's "Equal Rites", so it wasn't all bad)

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Si tot va bé, el títol arribarà a les llibreries a finals de novembre! Però podreu obrir boca amb «Déus Menuts», que se suma a la resta de publicacions el pròxim 13 d'octubre!

Informació actualitzada de totes les novetats de Pratchett en aquest butlletí:

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Portrait for Death's Study, UC 1978
Artist unknown. GNU Terry Pratchett

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I am reminded of this moment in Hogfather by Terry Pratchett.

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So today I'm going to be doing a bit different stream! Instead of sharing a game, I'll be reading a book! Specifically 'Wyrd Sisters' by Terry Pratchett.

It's something I'm really excited for, so I hope to see you there!

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What? I mean…WHAT?! I just preordered on , and it’s my mindful moment of gratitude for tha day/month/year!

Listen to Good Omens by Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett on Audible. https://t.co/yMViEiER8a

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I'll just comment to get this party started.

%30000 it's death from Terry Pratchett's Disc world. Love him.

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Cried abt Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett yesterday

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One Sheet Words of Wisdom: Sorceress (1982) "Stories of imagination tend to upset those without one." - Terry Pratchett

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some discworld women from ig requests! the iconic angua von überwald and magrat garlick <3

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