se vcs acham q meu rhysand em td fanart minha tem um rosto diferente eh pq nunca viram meu lucien
pois vejam bem acabei de descobrir que tenho different face syndrom!

1 21

eu amo essas fanarts o cassian fazendo palhaçada o lucien emocionado por ter sido convidado e o rhysand tirando foto de si mesmo ao inves de tirar deles kkkkkkkk.... minhas vidinhas (art: jenna.draw)

175 732

Rhysand from by Sarah J Maas

0 0

🇧🇷]Três irmãs Archeron para três bebês Illyrianos... Só que não XD

[🇺🇲] Three sisters Archeron to three Illyrian babies...just not XD

1 6

rhysand mae pai irma

38 273

Rhysand and Helion; BFF

113 558

call me old fashioned but i was raised to serve my man. clean up after him. take care of him all day everyday and cook for him every night. my man’s needs come FIRST. if my man cheats on me it means i’ve fucked up and i need to address myself! his name his rhysand

1 12

Rhysand - If Looks Could Kill
Abhimanyu - Murderous Irritation
Suryth - Egotistical Laughter
Nefertari - Exasperation

2 3

💫“To the people who look at the stars and wish.
To the people who listen and the dreams that are answered.”💫

4 12

feyre & rhysand 🌙🦇

43 256