Aww well hello! I’m Feyre (fey-run), a runaway moon bunny princess, and it’s wonderful to meet you! 🐇💖

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"#Rhysand still knelt, wings dropping across the white sheets, head bowed, his tattoo stark against his golden skin. A dark, fallen prince.
The painting flashed into my mind. Flashed-and stayed there, glimmering, before it faded."

of my fav book series! ❤️

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You can hear me as my character, Feyre Amastascia, in our Podcast named , NOW AVAILABLE on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts!

I love playing with this group and y’all should totally check it out! 💖


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Taking it ALL THE WAY BACK to the start of Feyre’s beautiful journey! ACOTAR Dust Jacket is up for Pre-Orders now on my etsy🦋

Beautiful art done by Bethgilbert_art!

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I tried to draw the Archeron sisters🌌

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The first sketch and the final result! 🥺🥺
I have to admit that im really, really proud with this artwork.

I suspect that the way I love Rhys and Feyre has something to do with it 🤭💜💜🌙

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Modern world Feyre Archeron 🌙

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"-To the people who look at the stars and wish, Rhys.
-To the stars who listen—and the dreams that are answered."

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Well, at least now I can gloat that I literally make my mate glow with happiness."🌌

Here's my photoshop manipulation of a glowing Feyre!💜
Made by me via

🚫No AI used

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Pra mim não existe cena mais CONSTRANGEDORA que essa daqui quando Az e Cassian foram resgatar a Feyre e o Lucien, daí na hora de atravessar, Cass levou a Feyre enqunto o Az levava o Lucien KKKKKKKKKKKKK queria uma amizade real entre esses dois aqui, sério

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Sometimes I get tired staring at the same drawing for a long time so Itake breaks and draw something else. Today Feyre decided to manifest. :)

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Feyre from ACOTAR book series! She’s cool ig

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🤍Rhysand y Feyre
2021 vs 2023

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«I looked ahead, toward that laugh, that light—that vision of the future Feyre had shown me, more beautiful than anything I could have ever wished for—anything I had wished for, on those solitary nights with only the stars for company. A dream still unanswered—but not forever»

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Feyre Archeron by Alice Maria Power

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