Siempre quise hacer un fanart de este personaje pero hasta ahora me siento un poco capas de hacerlo
personaje poco aprovechado en resident evil 5

0 8

T-virus infection OG &
It's more iconic and suggestive the original one in St.Michael Chapel but bringing Jill in hospital is surely more realistic and useful

Her infection'll be the key to improve Uroboros

7 80

Love her acting as Jill in both RE5 and RETUC💙
It's amazing hearing her again in Teppen*-*

0 13

Starting stream in 15 mins !!!
Continueing our RE5 Playthrough with !!!

Also very pretty thumbnail

2 13

did I do this already??🤔🤔
well if I did that was last year so it may as well have been 100 years ago in internet time~
So here are Betty's 4 biggest influences!
Revy from Black Lagoon
Tank Girl
Pandy from Deadleaves
and Sheva from RE5

0 6

Day 10: Call me crazy but I kinda wish a Remake of 1 to be announced. It’s my favourite game and even though i’m OK with fixed cameras, I would love to see the spencer mansion in a third person perspective. in this, and in a NEW GAME post RE5

2 12

Resident Evil franchise sale on XBL

•RE0 $4.99
•RE1 $4.99
•RE2 $15.99
•RE3 $17.99
•RE4 $7.99
•RE5 $7.99
•RE6 $7.99
•RE7 $9.99
•RE Village $29.99
•RE Revelaitons 1+2 Bundle $15.99

33 166

New card for cross over game from
I love it♡.♡
Teppen features Jill in several versions (#RE1,#RE3 and but this is the first picture of her from

Let's waiting new Teppen deck:D

36 172

Is it a coincidence that once Jill left,the serie losed its soul plot?
Ok that I'm a Jill's stan but I can't see any involvement with plot and lore since RE5.
Both RE6 and RErev2 stories feel like never existed and that's so weird (and sad for hardcore fans like us)

0 2

RE5 Chris Redfield

by Arkapami on DeviantArt

52 346

remember chris wearing a suit in re5 commercial

789 4172

Giusto per ricordarvelo,l'iconica animazione Idle/posa di in è stata rifatta per quella di con l'uniforme STARS e per altri titoli della serie come
Questa posa è ancora usata per i giochi più recenti

Adoro questi dettagli💙

0 9

Just for reminding you,the iconic Idle animation/render pose was remade for OG STARS uniform's one and for other RE titles like
Her pose still remains for newest games

Love these details

44 272

It’s so significant because:

• Outbreak is 17 yrs old.
• RE5 Mercs is 12 yrs old.
• Mercenaries 3D is 10 yrs old.
• Revelations is 9 yrs old.
• RE: ORC is 9 yrs old.

And fans still absolutely adore these games & keep them alive! 😁🖤


1 20

Resident Evil franchise sale on XBL

•RE0 $4.99
•RE1 $4.99
•RE2 $15.99
•RE3 $17.99
•RE4 $7.99
•RE5 $7.99
•RE6 $7.99
•RE7 $9.99
•RE Village $29.99
•RE Revelaitons 1+2 Bundle $15.99

29 180

Lets see, Off the top of my Head the 4 characters Who Influenced my OC "MatchBox Betty" would have to be -
Tank Girl, Pandy from Dead Leaves, Revy from Black Lagoon and Sheva from RE5🐸👌


0 18

Gotcha. Seems people want us to continue on into RE5 after RE4. If we do two games a week on my channel, maybe the second will be MGS 1 or Sonic Adventure 2!

Thanks for voting everyone!

0 1

RE5 had the most badass and hilarious wtf costumes, love that game

1 7

Chris/Jill 💚💙
RE1 started it and RE5/Revelations made me like them even more 😌

I used to like more pairings, but not anymore 😕 (for different reasons...)

And my OTP, of course:
Claire/Dante 😚💕

0 9


チロル千代子 さんの作品


78 208