obsessed with him in re5....

106 358


2 11

Going live now! We'll be starting off with Yakuza: Like a Dragon and later maybe collabing RE5. It'll be my first ever horror game after DBD....

Come check me out!

5 16

I'm really like the idea of Leon and Jill teaming up would also like for it to be Co-Op like RE5.I think the dialogue would be interesting between them.

0 2

Another cut enemy that was planned for the RE4 build that later became DMC was "The Kraken." This enemy would return down the line, however, as the sea-monster-Irving we fight in RE5. Between the crocodile/clam-like mouth and tentacles, the resemblance is noticeable.

4 29

More Resident Evil fanart :) William Birkin G5, U2 based on early U3 concept art, U3 and the scrapped U11 from Re5. Thanks for lookin!!

5 22

Helltaker is either wearing something referencing to Billy Herrington or Warrior Chris Redfield from RE5.

0 12

CLICKHERE5.GIF (79x60 pixels, search word: ix)


3 20

Unpopular opinion, I don't love the reshading mod for RE5. The sickly filter matches 5's grim tone. It exemplifies the dry, arid atmosphere of Africa making it feel abandoned while the mod makes it look like Mario Sunshine. Assets(like the oil drums) just look way worse.

82 759

I love Jill and I love this whole mind control idea in RE5.

225 967

Happy 10th Anniversary to Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City! 🎂🍻🎉 This game brought me back to RE after basically 3 years of radio silence so to speak with RE after RE5. With its main character, the 'city', the largest, most expansive to date.

2 7

I just like to believe that Carlos and Jill reunited after RE5.

And she cut her hair short again 🥰

19 54

The series's strongest partnership had & They were really close until RE5. After that, Jill vanished. This, of course, raises some questions.
Here's a small time-line based on their appearances.

8 36

Is it a coincidence that once Jill left,the serie losed its soul plot?
Ok that I'm a Jill's stan but I can't see any involvement with plot and lore since RE5.
Both RE6 and RErev2 stories feel like never existed and that's so weird (and sad for hardcore fans like us)

0 2

Giusto per ricordarvelo,l'iconica animazione Idle/posa di in è stata rifatta per quella di con l'uniforme STARS e per altri titoli della serie come
Questa posa è ancora usata per i giochi più recenti

Adoro questi dettagli💙

0 9

Just for reminding you,the iconic Idle animation/render pose was remade for OG STARS uniform's one and for other RE titles like
Her pose still remains for newest games

Love these details

44 272

VERY unpopular opinion:
RE is my fav serie ever since childhood,I'm overattached to it and,somehow,I enjoyed all chapters BUT RE saga plot ended with
This game put an epilogue about RE main story started with and it's a truly good ending

That's all

9 90

Spencer is in saga lore since but his appearance was shown only in RE5.
This was a problem for artists during RE5 devolpment 'cause they didn't know Spencer's aspect

6 49