Do you think the dance and the chant helped open the doorway for Claire's journey back in time?

1 10

What did you think of Mrs. Graham's tea reading for Claire? Do you think there's anything to that?

0 21

What did you think of Frank's reaction when Claire suggested adopting a baby? Why would he think an adopted child would "take Claire away from him" but a natural born child wouldn't?

2 31

Do you think Frank's "ghost story" about the man who was murdered & buried in the foundation the house was the same that Stephen Bonnet tells J&C about in DoA?

3 19

What's your favorite theory for Jamie's Ghost appearing outside Claire's window?

3 77

Doesn't it seem strange that after so much time apart, on their 2nd Honeymoon, Frank wants to spend so much time away from Claire researching genealogy?

0 87

Does it seem like Frank is woefully underestimating the full meaning of "Sassenach" even to post WWII Highlanders?

0 7

Do you think Jamie did the right thing in hunting down and killing the Lumpkin all these years later?

0 14

Do you think it was right of Jenny to break Claire's confidence?

0 7

Do you think you could forgive a man who had raped you?

0 14

What did you think of Jenny's story about her daughter, Maggie, bearing and raising the child of her rapist?

0 8

Would you have confronted the Lumpkin and made him acknowledge his crime?

1 8

How did you like Ian's reunion with Mrs. Sylvie and the Wurms?

0 7

Given her curiosity about her own medical procedure, do you think Franny will become Claire's new protege?

1 18

Were you as delighted as we were to see the Adso, make a reappearance?

1 26

Is there one place where you feel most "you" and mot at home? Where would you live if money weren't an issue?

1 36

of S1, discussing show vs book. After that, assuming ur all still w/us, we'll do The Scottish Prisoners. Hopefully by then, Bees will be out!! We'll take a 2 week break after &meet again on April 20 for chpts 1-3 of Outlander! /end

2 15

Hi lasses! After a long chat w/ the coo, here'ss the plan after we finish next Sunday:
Since we took over bookclub w/ DIA, we've decided to go back and do Outlander (bk 1). After we finish, we'll do a live-tweet /1

2 23

Seems like William made a big step towards "forgiving" Jamie. Do you think William will ever come to live on the Ridge?

1 8

What are the chances that the two Fraser men, Jamie and William, would be unrecognized just by wearing kerchiefs over their faces? I mean, both unusually tall & muscular.

1 14