Confiaremos en ellos para mantener el orden en este país 🌶🌵💫 No son vengadores, son vencedores. HOY GRAN ESTRENO en cines

3 18

Tuna: saca espinas y escurre baba de nopal, Tetle: puede convertirse en cualquier animal que toca y junto Chema, Dolores y la Catrina forman 🌶🌵💫 No son vengadores, son vencedores. 10 de enero, sólo en cines

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Chema: enchila a cualquiera, Dolores: se puede convertir en fantasma, Catrina: puede cambiar su estructura ósea y junto a Tuna y Tetle forman 🌶🌵💫 No son vengadores, son vencedores. 10 de enero, sólo en cines

1 7

Gritos de emoción ¡los que damos! porque quedan 2 días para el estreno de 🌶🌵💫 No son vengadores, son vencedores. 10 de enero, sólo en cines

1 12

Brilliant stuff from stream! Raising $155 with such short notice is absolutely amazing! 🙌!!

Thank you to everyone who hung out and to those who dono'd! It means so much--!
here's a wip I did on stream
I give you: Firelord ScoMo

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ScoMo having some down time. This ad was 100% endorsed by the liberal party.

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Just as Trump has given cartoonists and comedians GENIUS MATERIAL, SCOMO HAS BECOME AN EASY TARGET FOR AN ANGRY ELECTORATE!!

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TEX PERKINS (playing “This one’s for the PM, it’s called ‘The Honeymoon is Over’!”

*flips off Kirribilli*

It’s even more brutal when you realise the song is on Scott Morrison’s “How good is Oz Rock! (ScoMo’s Classics)” Spotify playlist.

77 191

anyway sailor moon says

1 4

G'day Australia, I've been really upset these past 7 weeks but today I'm Angry.
Angry at a government that chooses profits over the wellbeing and lives of Australia.

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Two children getting a glimpse of their future under a climate denying liberal government

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FIRE-MAN: The Unsung Hero - Tribute to the heroes of the RFS. Please support our firefighters They need all the help they can get!

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Relax everyone Scomo is back offering his thoughts and prayers.

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Sneak peeks-

Patrons can see the entire drawing at
Support my work for more cartoons, gifs and behind the scenes videos.

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Cuando su hermana Dolores es secuestrada, Chema recurre a la legendaria 🌶🌵💫 para que le ayuden a rescatarla. ¿Qué quiénes son ésos? ¡Pues el máximo equipo de superhéroes que haya existido jamás en México! ¡Poderosos, valientes y temerarios!

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