The Liberal party have rebranded with a fresh new look

66 255

The burning issues: my democracy sausage for the front page of today's

35 93

Vote like your planet depends on it 🌏

10 30

Timeline cleanser: Here are some gumnut babies by Mae Gibbs.

I'm off to Newlands Primary School for a traditional breakfast. With luck there may be

1 6

It’s Election Day in the land down under. Welcome to the dumpster fire.

37 254

Superior Economic Management ™

94 231

The future of pork

168 388

The 46th Parliamentary Caricature clean out continues. Humanless Services, tally ho! (2019)

47 131

Raking up the old caricatures before bonfire night. This one won't be needed anymore. But we'll still be drawing his legacy after Saturday, until the absurd case against Bernard Collaery is dropped

81 255

I mean, this can go. Scott before he got his wings, just doesn't look right (2016)

41 117

Sometimes you find old caricatures resprouting in the compost. A sort of cartoonists' reflux.

71 206

It is that time in the electoral cycle when the bin on the drawing desk is getting a little ripe and you really should compost all the old cartoons to make room for the new ones

117 421

More Scomectomy 2022 coverage on Patreon
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6 19

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2 10

David Rowe - I don’t know how you do it! Morrison calling a “loose unit” is incredible, given his party is full of loose units!

11 39