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A doodle I made after I bought a new brush pack!! So happy!

1 4


“Captain you almost make me believe in Luck”
“Why, Mr. Spock, you almost make me believe in miracles”

NIGHTTIME with volpe! Part two!

feat. Brushes by

0 1

my girlfriend and I are watching
and honestly we are the funniest people alive

0 5

Trek Ladies: Janice Rand

You deserved so much more.

7 7

Majel Barrett Roddenberry as Nurse Christine Chapel Startrektos ❤️Beautiful .#NurseChristneChapel

2 7

Spock is very patient with his idiot boyfriend

113 283

Star Trek TOS is the best to be honest, it's so... campy and makes me smile.

4 6

there they are, one of sci fi's most iconic trios

2 5

been watching more of that space show

2 3

Sure, sure, Spock is in control of his emotions

83 202

Mindmelds are romantic, don’t fight me on this

67 142