Day 15 |ʘ‿ʘ)╯

A sense of belongingness whenever you are with them..


Today's Theme: Belonging

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Day 10 (´• ω •`) ♡

We seek for the light that would make our color shines...


Today's Theme: Lightseekers

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Day 5 (´• ω •`) ♡

Forever grateful to those people I met along this journey...


Today's Theme: Gratitude

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Day 4: Candles
Well it has come a time we compare the number is candles you have.....yeah I'm not one of the rich for sure(´;ω;`)

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Day 4 Candles
Candle cake 😂
That day I celebrate my birthday in sky with my friend💓

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P1是兩心委託 P2是送親友菇菇的
好久沒在平板畫畫了 手很生

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Played Aly children of the light
Recent fan art going to come up with more later this is just a test

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