Good Morning, Patrons! Page 251 of Tamberlane is up and ready to read on You get to read a week ahead of everyone else!

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Last reminder, friends! The next page of Tamberlane will go up on Wednesay, so make sure to get caught up to page 248 today!!!

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It's Sunday! That means it's time for me to remind you to catch up to page 248 of Tamberlane again. Don't get left behind!

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In case you forgot, Patrons..Have you remembered to get caught up to page 248 of Tamberlane on Make sure you get caught up, a new page goes up on Wednesday!

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It's Sunday, Patrons! That means I get to remind you to get caught up to page 248 of Tamberlane on Remember, you get to read a week ahead of everyone else!

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Great job, Parsley. Page 248 of Tamberlane is up and ready to read on Remember, you get to read a page ahead of everyone else!

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Last Reminder, Friendos...Get caught up to page 245 of Tamberlane today! A new page goes up on Wednesday and we don't want you getting left behind!

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Hey friend, Tamberlane updates on Wednesdays, so if you haven't had a chance to get caught up this week, now is a good time to do it! We're on page 245!

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Milo's rambling comes in handy this time. Page 245 of Tamberlane is up and ready for everyone to read!

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