is a freelance illustrator, tattooist and tarot reader. She loves to draw about witchy stuff, bad ass girl, plants and cats 🌿
She is a Zine Artist for the Zine!

13 49

Prince Arsonist is a student and freelance illustrator. She likes to draw her characters and comics.
She is a Zine Artist for the zine!

You can follow her:

7 45

is freelance artist and illustrator: she loves drawing people, comic style, rainbow love, filling her sketchbook with drawings and decorating it.
She is a Zine Artist for the zine!

5 22

Showcasing ! Thrilled to have them and their amazing skills onboard with us.

0 10

studies CS and design by day and makes pixel art by night. She loves animals, environments, and vibrant colors.
She is a Zine Artist for the Zine !

36 195

is a Filipino student illustrator who loves plants and weird mojo. She hopes to make people feel nice and relaxed looking at her draws!
She is a Zine and Merch artist for the Zine !

89 452

is a 4th year illustration student and robot enthusiast !
She is a Merch Artist for the Zine!

You can follow her:

And support her:

19 93

is a freelance illustrator/comic artist from Indonesia! She loves to draw knights, monsters and flowers!
She is the Cover Artist for the Zine !

You can follow her:

70 265

is a background artist for animation and illustrator. She likes drawing peaceful environments, girls and everyday situations.
She is a Zine Artist for the zine!

21 106

is a freelance artist from Sweden who enjoys drawing on history when painting fantasy art. She's also prone to get lost in museum collections, and enjoys gaming.
She is a Zine Artist for the zine!

17 86

is an illustrator mostly found lurking around tumblr. She loves patterns, neon colors, and skinny jeans.

You can follow her:

15 49

is a freelance illustrator and visual developer from Portugal! They love to draw big buff men, all kinds of details and dynamic/expressive scenes.
They are a Zine Artist for the zine !

16 113

is a licensed product designer by day, and an illustrator by night!
She is a merch artist for the zine!

You can follow her:

And support her:

25 94