Girls und Panzer: Avanti! Anzio Koukou Vol.2

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La Resurrezione di Cristo è un dipinto a olio su tavola (52 attribuito a Raffaello Sanzio, databile al 1501-1502 circa, conservato nel Museo d'Arte di San Paolo, in Brasile. DETAIL

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Apropiada versión para los luctuosos tiempos que corren es la de F. Jüttner (1899) de los famosos querubines de la Madonna Sixtina de


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Born OTD in 1483, Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino, the Divine One

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Un día como hoy nació y también murió el genio del Renacimiento. Rafael Sanzio o Urbino. Sagrada Familia con San Juanito. Firmado. Museo del Prado.

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da Urbino- known as Raphael- died in 1520.

Together with and he forms the trinity of great masters of Renaissance.

"Divine things have come out of his hands."
- (F. M. Dostoevskij)

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Born & died in 1483 & 1520: Italian painter & architect da Urbino known as

Portrait of Doña Isabel de Requesens (1500-1577) as vice empress of Naples, ca. 1518

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Raffaello Sanzio sulla banconota da 500 mila lire

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"When one is painting one does not think." The Italian Renaissance master architect and painter Sanzio was born 1483. He also died on his birthday in 1520.

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500esimo anniversario della morte di
Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino

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1483 Sanzio, master painter and architect of the High Renaissance, was born in Urbino.

The Mond Crucifixion, 1502–3 (Up. L) Deposition of Christ, 1507 (Up. R) The Holy Family, 1518 (L) Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione,c.1515 (R)

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