finished the full character stuff on 3 pages, here's some examples

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finished a total of 7 pages outa 20 and making progress

Tomorrow gonna be another few pages if I'm lucky

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also here's some sneaky peeks at some stuff in various stages of being done

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Tomorrow I'll attempt The Phantom again but for now, here's Ahna!!!!

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I'm having more success with the looks of the girls in 3d than that damn Phantom mask, will probs finish Ahna tomorrow

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okay added a base and some details and hopefully it'll get printed!!!!

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ALMOST THERE, after I'm done with these pesky texture paints Imma see if I can rig it and also see how it looks in Unity

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okay this is my progress for today

if this is gonna work out Imma have a little Lyra figurine on my desk, gonna use the school 3d printer

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Okay did some more on the head and also redid the eyebrows, time to draw some more!

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made a throne model and used as a base me to draw the character and the throne on but I like the mix too

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tried some sculpting again in Blender, also did some more with this damn helmet

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here's a new Gruntrooper, yeah there's a obvious clone trooper inspiration

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Lyra, Ahna and the Phantom done, now a background

after this, maybe I'll do some character posters for chronicles and some new costume stuff

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