After a long trek you finally see it: an oasis. The water will be fresh, and the shade more than welcome. But wait... You see tents in the distance. Someone else got to the oasis before you.

0 9

The Town of Zetrent is located between de cities and Darlon-is-Met and Hotlon-is-Met along the King's Road and the river met. This makes it a well travelled and prosperous town.

1 9

Ho boi what are WE doing…

Crazy month for me with a move and a house reno in the works. But we’ve got art cooking, a test campaign launching, and I’ve got a stack of Interstellar Cartography maps from the lovely and to schedule rollouts for!

0 2

My latest map: "The Spire of Sharlanta"
Commissioned by
For: "Skies of Sharlanta" 5e-compatible setting.

16 113

What the eyes cannot see, the heart cannot feel. Is it really? Losing my mind and wandering through the city. There are many maps, schemes, tracings, musical scores, but there is no precise cartography to take me in your direction.


1 0

Contour Abstract Cartography by RuleByArt

2 3

The roads get slippy when it rains; make sure you don't fall.

3 35

I was recently commissioned to draw some maps for the Red City: Demiplane of Dread campaign setting (thanks, !) This is my map of the setting's primary city: Krasnygorod.

Always fun to flex the fantasy cartography muscle. Hit me up if you need any maps!

2 4

You can always find me at too! Let me know if you'd like to see anything added to it.

0 2

The Fall of Hephaestus
realized 005
1/1 - 15 tez
made with
image prompt: (it's on secondary for 5 tez!)

4 24

Map of Prismari Campus 🔥- '#Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos'.
©#WizardsoftheCoast LLC. All rights reserved.
>Prints>>Link in Comments

8 34

realized 003
1/1 - 15 tez
"a golem made of plants and vines stands vigil behind an overgrown hut of a nature witch" - via
image prompt:

7 42

Ideocartography Realized 002

generated from Beginner Ideocartography 2

also minted 4 1/1 "figments" for 1 tez each at

more amazing work from

4 10

"a stylized logo for a company that sells giant mech suits" via

left is the Beginner piece I started with, right is the final outcome I accepted (for now haha, just playing)

2 25

I don’t usually note new followers but the large admirable vessel just passed by me , so greetings.

Welcome to my nerdy cartography show. I’m currently deep in my work ok Blue Planet 2e which I’m guessing is what got the attention? It’s all in development stuff.

3 20