"I develop a vocabulary of the human body but... anatomy must not surpass the expression, which remains essential."
–Juul Kraijer

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"If there are no great, celebrated that’s because the powers that be have not been celebrating them, but not because they are not there."
–Joan Semmel

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RT from Edgar Degas. Do you agree or disagree with the sentiment?

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from Edgar Degas. Do you agree or disagree with the sentiment?

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I think it takes a lot of courage to post what you make and have random people say things about it. But what's most important is...

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Great words and beautiful colorsflow of my painting.

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The job of the artist is always to deepen the mystery - Frances Bacon.

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"The job of the artist is always to deepen the mystery" ~ Francis Bacon

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"I dream my painting, and then i paint my dream".. always

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Background art courtesy of a group project from our Hamilton Grange class in Harlem

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"Art is a journey. I just took a wrong turn somewhere." - M. Wills, 2014.

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