Ahh, a personal favourite. Bens gave the idea of him powdering up and I'm honestly so happy how the background came out, as well as Snagglepuss himself.
I tried hard to make the photo blurry, but there was a version with a little more details.

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Hyperdew is an Adrenaloid from the moon Kapheen. She produces an energy-rich liquid that gives her incredible speed and concentration. She can also spit the liquid.

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Snatch is an Aplistian from the planet Aplist. She can stretch and multiply her arms, having six by default. She is also capable of efficiently getting through crowds.

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U-Cantou is an Encantosapien from the planet Belleza. She has every power of the Madrigal family and is able to have someone borrow one of her powers for a few minutes.

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(please ignore right bens left foot)

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Weather Balloon is a Zeppeller from the planet Helion. She can vacuum up air and release various clouds and storms from her propeller-like hands. She is also very bouncy.

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Fabreak is a Veritavore from intergalactic space. She can distort and alter time with her roar and space with her arms. She also has the power to restart a universe.

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Sinisister is an Insidian from the planet Molina VI. She has electrical sand coming it of her back that she can control as limbs and fire bombs made of sandstone from.

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Pickpocket is a Volecoon from the planet Scelus. She is a master thief, being able to steal without being noticed. She also has natural pockets to store stolen items in.

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Impfiltrate is a Lathrepivatan from the moon Metaxymas. She can dig, camouflage, retract her forearm daggers, extend her sharp tongue, and shoot pellets from her hands.

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Alternate Bens - Benzarro

maybe having a strange alien device latch onto your wrist was not a good idea

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Frostchomp is a Chupacalor from the moon Pua. She can absorb heat using her fangs and claws to the point of ice forming. She can also absorb heat by deeply inhaling.

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Bens and I were literally watching the music videos together like 2 days ago!!
I remember when I lit saw Pooky and went HEY THAT'S ME. Then I wept at the blue Jeepers going THAT'S BENS?? 😭😭They have SUCH great designs, I adore the music videos and the movie is real good ✨✨

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Polarburn is a Samumhareer from the planet Athasaqar. She has two forms depending on her mood. She takes her fire form when she’s angry and her ice form when she’s calm.

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Geargrind is a Cawthonian from the planet Finaph V. She can open her chest and use robotic tendrils to drag objects inside and crush them. She can also be worn as armor.

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Six Feet is a Cadavoid from the planet Necropolis. She can dig tunnels and cause bone structures tougher than steel to emerge from the ground. She can also see souls.

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Lycantula is a Lycosidian from the planet Setae. She can shoot webs out of her forearms. Her fangs can secrete acidic venom. She also has enhanced strength and agility.

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Hysterror is a Trepidite from the planet Djupmork. She has enhanced strength and the ability to emit terrifying sounds while releasing a pitch black fog from her stomach.

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Megalotron is a Mettalodon from the planet Skourine. She is the size of the Titanic and can swallow entire ships whole. She can also fire giant torpedos from her sides.

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