Ben 10 Re-Rerendered - SplatShot

The Omnitrix's sample of a Murk Gourmand

3 21

Gwen 10 Aliens - Colossasuarus

The Omnitrix's sample of a Vaxasaurian

4 23

Ben 10 Re-Redesigned - Humungosuar

The Omnitrix's sample of a Vaxasaurian

4 38

Kevin 11 Aliens Updated - Monstricity

The Nexutrix’s sample of a Transylian.

8 54

Kevin 11 Nexutrix Aliens - Loofafloft

The Nexutrix’s sample of a Elastispongia

8 39

Kevin 11 Nexutrix Aliens - Hendecagon Vreedle

The Nexutrix’s sample of a Vreedle

5 28

ok im going to upload my Rustriders comic into chunks and into a single thread for ease of reading

4 8

Gwen 10 Aliens Reshaded - ShardShooter

The omnitrix's sample of a Petrosapian

1 16

Ben 10 Re-Rerendered - Blitzwolfer

The omnitrix's sample of a Loboan

4 24

Khyber Nemetrix Aliens - Lurelurker

The Nemetrix's sample of a Piscciss Phantomos, Predator of Piscciss Volann

4 23

Kevin 11 Aliens ReShaded - Blazeraiser

The Nexutrix’s sample of a Pyronite

9 44

Art that i made that was featured in a EBArtiverse video i helped made featuring redesigns of concept art for ben 10

4 27