Have you noticed that people named "Cagle" are typically crazy conservatives?

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Adam Zyglis
Cartoonist for The Buffalo News and internationally syndicated through Cagle Cartoons.

🔸 'The Summit...,' 18 Jul 2018. Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo News.

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Adam Zyglis
Cartoonist for The Buffalo News and internationally syndicated through Cagle Cartoons.

"The Trump dump..."

🔸 'Department of Obsolete,' 14 Apr 2017. Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo News.

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Adam Zyglis
Cartoonist for The Buffalo News and internationally syndicated through Cagle Cartoons.

Brace yourself...

🔸 'Political Waves,' 1 Jul 2018. Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo News.

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Adam Zyglis
Cartoonist for The Buffalo News.
Syndicated through Cagle Cartoons.

Then there's Stephen Miller...

🔸 'Don't Worry,' 24 Jun 2018. Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo News.

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Bill Day
Nationally syndicated editorial cartoonist.

🔸 'Pie Face,' 20 Jun 2018 Bill Day, Cagle Cartoons.

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Bill Day
Nationally syndicated editorial cartoonist.

"He can't tell the truth..."

🔸 'I Didn't Do It!,' 12 Jun 2018 Bill Day, Cagle Cartoons.

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Here are some of my Michael Cohen favorites from https://t.co/TmquoB6pUK . See more at: https://t.co/qFsB0t00EW
This last one is by ME, Daryl Cagle

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Adam Zyglis
Cartoonist for The Buffalo News and internationally syndicated through Cagle Cartoons.

🔸 'The MAGA Boy Who Cried Wolf,' 1 May 2018. Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo News.

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What? You don't get our free daily Cagle Cartoon Newsletter?! Just sign up here: https://t.co/RRT1KUufGO

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Giant by Evan Cagle

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Mary Cagle先生の持ちキャラことねじりほんにょだ

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Froyo Troutleap Cagle

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I'm Mary Cagle and I draw too many comics! It's a big problem!! Oh no!! https://t.co/CLtNEhXIcN

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