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@Malacandrax Not sure if it’s what you’re looking for but- my favorite for a more simplified cartoon style is Mary Cagle (@ cubewatermelon) and my favorite for intricate detailed line work is Vi (@ v_0_3)
@KWSnet RT
R.J. Matson @MatsonCartoons
Internationally syndicated cartoonist.
Cagle Cartoons: https://t.co/1EMC6F4Qpy
Website: https://t.co/tRbABfq0mj
Substack: https://t.co/FYJM3An27G
🔸 'AUMF Lease Return,' 20 Mar 2023. R.J. Matson, CQ Roll Call.
@KWSnet RT
Syndicated cartoonist.
Cagle Cartoons: https://t.co/8xIO58h5cb
🔸 'Anti-Woke DeSantis,' 9 Mar 2023. Bill Day, Cagle Cartoons.
@KWSnet RT
Christopher Weyant @ChristophWeyant
Syndicated cartoonist.
Cagle Cartoons: https://t.co/MFQARfkwwJ
Website: https://t.co/8O6mm9fwPD
🔸 'Fox News Future Anchor,' 8 Mar 2023. Christopher Weyant, Boston Globe.
@KWSnet RT
Monte Wolverton @montewolverton
Editorial cartoonist, artist, author.
Website: https://t.co/Fgt0wNqTIA
Cagle Cartoons: https://t.co/h9tqAVOsMo
"Santos ethics investigation."
🔸 'Rite of Passage,' 3 Mar 2023. Monte Wolverton, Cagle Cartoons.
@KWSnet RT
Dave Whamond @DaveWhamond
Illustrator and cartoonist ('Reality Check').
GoComics: https://t.co/K06dQGC19i
Cagle: https://t.co/N52WX9TMFS
🔸 'Fox In the Henhouse,' 22 Feb 2023. Dave Whamond, Cagle Cartoons.
@KWSnet RT
Dave Whamond @DaveWhamond
Illustrator and cartoonist ('Reality Check').
GoComics: https://t.co/K06dQGC19i
Cagle: https://t.co/N52WX9TMFS
🔸 'Fox on the Run,' 28 Feb 2023. Dave Whamond, Cagle Cartoons.
@KWSnet RT
Christopher Weyant @ChristophWeyant
Syndicated cartoonist.
Cagle Cartoons: https://t.co/MFQARfkwwJ
Website: https://t.co/8O6mm9fwPD
🔸 'Deadly Ammunition,' 15 Feb 2023. Christopher Weyant, The Boston Globe.
@KWSnet RT
Adam Zyglis @adamzyglis
Cartoonist for The Buffalo News.
Cagle Cartoons: https://t.co/KeZ7lAzbMb
🔸 'Last Rites,' 30 Jan 2023. Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo News.
@KWSnet RT
Adam Zyglis @adamzyglis
Cartoonist for The Buffalo News.
Cagle Cartoons: https://t.co/KeZ7lAzbMb
🔸 'Wheel of Distraction,' 25 Jan 2023. Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo News.
中国版シン・エヴァンゲリオンのポスターがNicolas Delort氏のかいじゅうたちのいるところポスター盗用だってニュース、同様のエッチング調イラストレーターであるEvan Cagle氏のエヴァファンアートからPinterest的なもので辿り着いたでであろうことが想像できて(悪質ゥ~~)ってかんじだ。
@KWSnet RT
Adam Zyglis @adamzyglis
Cartoonist for The Buffalo News.
Cagle Cartoons: https://t.co/KeZ7lAzbMb
🔸 'Freedom Caucus,' 11 Jan 2023. Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo News.
@KWSnet RT
Marian Kamensky @MarianKamensky1
Marian Kamensky: https://t.co/qVmzX0EuaJ
Cagle Cartoons: https://t.co/4TzfwXPwwq
🔸 'Lützerath,' 11 Jan 2023. Marian Kamensky.
@KWSnet RT
Marian Kamensky @MarianKamensky1
Marian Kamensky: https://t.co/qVmzX0EuaJ
Cagle Cartoons: https://t.co/4TzfwXPwwq
🔸 'Viva Kevin McCarthy!' 7 Jan 2023. Marian Kamensky.
@KWSnet RT
John Cole @ColeToon
Freelancer cartoonist.
Cagle Cartoons: https://t.co/pc0LIM1f66
🔸 'House Republicans try in vain to name the 'head' of their party,' 2 Jan 2023. John Cole, Cagle Cartoons.
@KWSnet RT
Ángel Boligán @AngelBoligan
Caricaturist, El Universal and other international media.
Website: https://t.co/qWoBvgn6TY
Cagle Cartoons: https://t.co/oZaCoBC4h4
🔸 'The Head of the Politician,' 1 Jan 2023. Ángel Boligán, Cagle Cartoons.
@KWSnet RT
Monte Wolverton @montewolverton
Editorial cartoonist, artist, author.
Website: https://t.co/Fgt0wNqTIA
Cagle Cartoons: https://t.co/h9tqAVOsMo
🔸 'Santos Fact Check,' 30 Dec 2022. Monte Wolverton, Cagle Cartoons.