I have a very satisfying result despite my coloring being...
Dunno what to say about the coloring I’m just not good at it for the moment...
But hey Chameleos!

1 4

chameleos stole my heart (and my ancient potion >:( )

15 44

I’m mostly talking about this render of Chameleos but then it could also Lagiacrus which I also like since Lagi is WIP from the last time we seen him.
This where my very dumb theory came around lmao.

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They’re renders are mostly shown starting at their behinds instead of their fronts lately, just saying its stupid but they probably are implementing Chameleos in secret, hey its a good surprise if they don’t show the boi in a trailer, but still give a cutscene.

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I have a stupid crack theory on MHW on the devs sneakily getting chameleos and their being subtle about it on the monster renders

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ah damn i see, another one that can pass off for purple is Mizutsune (blademaster set is left picture, gunner set is right picture) oh and also Chameleos

0 2

everyone look at chameleos and also listen 2 this it slappz

6 38

Stream over! Thanks to everyone who stopped by! Today we did 3 First up was Greygnarl from then we did Rak from and lastyly Chameleos from

8 31

Young me playing Monster hunter : N’aime rien du Chameleos.

Me playing MHGU : Mais il est trop adorable pourquoi je ne l’aimais pas?! Ça façon de marcher est tellement rigolote, pas specialement compliquer a chasser, puis ses yeux tout rond il a l’air droguer c’est cute.

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Teostra and Kushala Daora came without Chameleos, so hunters want to see it join its brethren in World's engine. Hunters feel it would fit perfectly in the Ancient Forest combined with its stealth, and its poisonous equipment would be nice in Iceborne.

3 115

Phantom Chameleos - fan-made Chameleos variant.

10 31

I was thinking about Seething Bazelgeuse or Chameleos, but you can also just choose a monster from the series you like!

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Besides Gore Magala, I suspect the returning monster for May could be Fatalis, Chameleos, or Valstrax. I feel Fatalis and Valstrax don't need much explanation, but Chameleos is the only major Elder Dragon missing in World.

4 182

please add chameleos to mhw please please please please please please plea

0 4

MH Fan art: Chameleos X Namielle

111 383

>imagine chameleos that can steal and remove your jewels from your armor slots.
(you still get them back when the quest ends, regardless of winning or losing the quest)

34 290

Attention hunters, a wild Chameleos has appeared ! Hope we see him again someday. (perhaps in the incoming Iceborn DLC ?)

0 3

Hola Andrufb soy suscriptor tuyo y me encantan tus directos, te envío esta imagen del Chameleos para agradeser tu trabajo:

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