Trio Elder Dragon
Kushala Daora, Teostra and Chameleos

Free 2K and 4K wallpaper avaible on My P- treon and pixv Fn-box

128 746


Chameleos drawn with a brush pen

416 2248

Risen Chameleos: "Risen Chameleos are elder dragons that have found a way to overcome their affliction. By suppressing the Qurio virus, they have gained great strength and new abilities."

9 19



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Lucent Nargacuga VS Chameleos
Location Is Tower 3

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Merry Christmas Chameleos

4 22

Risen found a good apprentice in Cami to pass on all her knowledge and advanced thief techniques, being a chameleon with years of experience...

56 348

"Cammy sorry for eating Power Talon"
"Here payment. It grows back"

229 1811

You may already know about this, but Okami has a pet Chameleos named Scurra.

Scurra has dwarfism and defective poison glands to the point that he's completely harmless.

He's a bit of a pain in the ass to take care of, but Okami tolerates and loves him still.

4 33

Chameleos gotta be one of my favorite monster design that based on Chameleon

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souma - chameleos
"Eyewitness sightings of this Elder Dragon are extremely rare due to its ability to literally vanish; however, details of this are unclear. It is thought that shocking it may make it reappear, but this is unproven."

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Inktober Challenge 2022
DAY(s)27: Chameleos (แต่เราวาด Risen)

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