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"mysterious scenario" on @withFND
The beginning of Mr. plankton in mysterious planet
Inspired by the context and stories that are surrounded by politics, society conflict, and the pressures of being under various crises
Available now at https://t.co/1OQpX5Z8do
After an unfortunate conflict, we decided to make some changes.
Behold, a new wardrobe! This will be my main attire now, but I'm still a chef and will keep the old chef attire I had.
New wardrobe, same ol' bugge boi!
#ENNEAD spoilers + Seth and Isis comparison//
Isis and Seth, despite being enemies, and always having conflict, are very similar, especially in terms of how impulsive and confrontational they both can be. With Seth, his impulsiveness is something made very clear to us through++
Hey #portfolioday! I'm Erik, a comics journalist specializing in long-form comics on social conflict, authoritarianism, migration, and education. Currently looking for work and to find a home for my graphic memoir.
Gourmet Hound - Romance - What happens when a bright-eyed heckin' kind foodie with a super sense of smell/taste meets a jaded chef who lost his? Well, first it's conflict, but then it's romance! Precious story, light-hearted, fluffy, and just full of goodness.
"Through their conflict, their relationship was revealed to all in the indifferent light of the moon - and you weren't there."
[...A centaur-like being was summoned?]
I—no, we—are Floribunda. Our form was created for and out of conflict, we shall try our best in battle if you desire our power.
The Goat King And The King Frog by Daniel Arrhakis (2021)
Long ago ... there were two kings who were in permanent conflict, one was The King Frog, "Lord Of Waters And Of The Great Lake", the other The Goat King, "Lord Of The Great Black Forest" ...
Here is this week's species! Meet the Solabbits!
These fluffy creatures hate conflict, and have developed a second form that changes the color of their fur, depending on the time of day.
You can read more here! https://t.co/5sbYRK6gEA
Kelly exhibits hypocrisy in begging a mutant to help his wife. Psylocke does, but only by easing the pain of Sharon’s passing. Kelly, failing to see the role of the Sentinel program in initiating the conflict, simply takes this as further reason to hate mutants. 8/9
In true Claremontian style, Peter’s conflicted understanding of his new family represents a hint of melancholy to contrast Ororo’s sense of contentment. To his credit, Claremont leaves the scene here, not trying to resolve the conflict, but letting it linger instead. 7/8
Borders Of Conflict, Digital Art, Me, 2021 via /r/ImaginaryLandscapes https://t.co/K6glN7XmvN #Art
Rise up and deploy for battle in the Variable Armour 🛡️
While the solar system is engulfed in conflict, lead your strike force of deadly mecha towards victory in turn-based tactical combat 🔫
35% off on Switch May Sale!
NA➡️ https://t.co/IdaHgtwhqP
EU ➡️ https://t.co/tDYjMIXWxf
The female figure was an important symbol for Willem de Kooning–born #OTD 1904–& manifested herself in his work "as at once the focus of desire, frustration, inner conflict, pleasure… & as posing problems of conception & handling as demanding as those of an engineer."
@Heestia_e here is holo-
He is typically quite chill and tries to avoid any kind of conflict, but if he has to he will not hesitate to hunt you down
Souls floating in the void and their endless conflict, perhaps a mirror can help them.
@eeentropy Hey Shannon! My name is Erik and I'm a comics journalist / illustrator from the US but currently living in Chile. Most of my work is related to human rights, social conflict, and education. I have a downloadable portfolio on my site at https://t.co/dnap34vTpI. Hope all is well!
Mapletail: Great Star Clan! Starling, what happened?!
Starlingflight: Skirmish at border. I killed five.. Deputy is to blame for conflict, but, as usual, everybody will be blamed on me.
M.: Wanna mint tea?
S.: Oh yeah!
M.: We're going to drink tea! You're going to f*ck yourself!
Meet Homer: Traveling Bard from the #FireEmblem: Thracia 776 game. A traveling bard who passes through Tahra when it is caught in the crossfire of a conflict, he is notorious for being a tavern-goer and a womanizer. #FEHeroes