M'nagalah, Kag'Naru, and Rh'Thulla, the siblings of flesh.
Kept a flesh and tentacles aesthetic. Most notably, M'Nagalah's design's inspired by the monster from Scourge of the Evil, Kag'Naru's is an MCU Space Whale, and Rh'Thulla's a stingray.

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Rhogog, The Bearer of the Cup of the Blood of the Ancients

Went with the literal description of a black, leafless oak tree with a big, red eye.

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Rhan-Tgeoth, The Horror of the Hominids and He of the Ivory Throne

Design's based on crabs, elephants, spiders, and lobsters. Partly inspired by 's Crabdozer.

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Raphanausan, The One from the Sun Race

My design's inspired by Star Platinum from JoJo, Shiva from Shuumatsu no Walkure, The God Ravana, Yashas, and to an extent, the Djinn from Magi.

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Ragnalla, The Seeker in the Skies and The Nest Mistress of the Winged Ones

Described as an one-eyed raptorial or vulture-like bird, with a crown of tentacles and keen eyesight.

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Raandaii-B'nk, the Father of All Sharks, and his servants and kin, the Raandeese:

Design's inspired by 's Goblin Shark Fairy and the Pacific Rim Kaiju. The servant's designs were inspired by Sharkboy (Sharkboy and Lava Girl)

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Apparently, listening to D4C while drawing makes you draw weird shit. Still WIP.

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More drawings of Dagon, one of my favorite characters, inspired by Lovecraft too. I have also tried some effects for some ideas that I had in mind.

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Day 16:
Sea witches pledge themselves to the ancient gods of the deep ones in exchange for the secrets of eldritch magic.

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Wind down image for tonight.
Through the Rift They Come. video version

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Mr Skin, one of Nyarlathotep's many avatars. Operates in Los Angeles and is associated with Shub-Niggurath.

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Wind down video after a long and busy day. Creepy one today.
In a World of Flesh and Bone

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