ES01CIL0013 was his serial number, though in the lab they mostly called him Thirteen. He didn't speak, nor did he show any emotions. Most of the time he was sleeping, and when he was awake he sat through the tests unmoved.

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Art trade with of their scientist OC Moriz from their original story <Emion>. I loved his obsession with his research on the 'triangles' so I tried to include that in the composition😙 Thank you for trading with me!

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I just wanted an excuse to draw these two sharp dressed men. It's Karim and Masaru from my project

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There's been a severe lack of Demions as of recent, so i'm fixing that! BOOM HERE'S 2 DEMIONS AND 1 COMING TOMORROW!

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Ya tenemos Premio Nacional del Cómic 2019 🎉

¡Enhorabuena a Cristina Durán, Miguel Ángel Giner y Laura Ballester, autores de 'El día 3'!

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Day 25 - Tasty

The lemon drink was a funny thing at the story. Mostly drank by tired Darkaian scientists wanting to pull all-nighters, because there's a lot of caffeine in it.
Over time it kinda got an inside joke among part of the Emion fanbase.

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I can finally show you this piece that took me a long time to finish 😭
But it was worth all the effort, because it's... a drawing for my favorite artist, it's my entry for the that made @/raemion !!!

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Olga Tokarczuk (Sulechów, Polonia, 1962). Novelista, cuentista, y psicóloga.

Peter Handke (Griffen, Austria, 1942) Autor de teatro, novela y poesía. Director de cine, y guionista.


Encuéntralos en 😉

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Another amazing dtiys challenge. This one is from raemion (Instagram).
I really love the space-stars theme, such a creative idea. 😇✨

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for @/raemion on insta!

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protagoniza la viñeta de hoy para proyecto colaborativo. Formó parte del equipo que descubrió la fisión nuclear, pero el se lo llevó su colega Otto Hahn.

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I was writing this small AU scene in which Fourteen was freed from the lab where they held him and he experienced eating mango for the first time. It's cute :)

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Pues haciendo más pruebas e intentando sacar a delante el tema de dibujar, si os gusta decidme que os parece ;D

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"Sato is the worst of 'em all. He doesn't kill people. He doesn't even touch them. He just shows them things. Drives them insane, until their soul breaks and they're no more than empty shells."

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Back in the day when Aiden was still a young man and first came to work in Ground Zero, he found quite the friend and mentor in Moriz, who was a couple of years older and held more experience in the field. Too bad it could never remain to be that way.

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Those glasses aren't to correct his eyesight.
They're to protect his eyes and to hide the glow.

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Poor guy got his ass whooped :(
Story can be found here:

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