I love that Pluto has a heart shaped formation on its lower half. So happy to see you Puto!

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's new illustration of Pluto to celebrate the excitement of 's recent fly by!

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Even though you’re so far from everyone else… :)

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New Horizons silent during today's flyby

Artist's concept of Charon-light cast on Pluto.

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After 9.5 years & 3.26 BILLION miles I'm just 2 hours - aka 62,258 miles - from closest approach!

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T-5 hours. Only 154,355 miles / 248410.3km left till closest approach! So close, you can count on 1 hand.

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6 hours and 185,135 miles / 297945.9km till closest approach. Watch more at: http://t.co/9cM4l4cE86

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7 hours & 215,927 miles / 347500.8km to go. I'm almost there,

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8 hours & 246,728 until closest approach. I'm excited. Are you? See more on http://t.co/9cM4l4cE86

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10 hours to go and 308,347 miles to closest approach. Want to watch? http://t.co/9cM4l4cE86

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Only 11 hours left! It's been 3,463 days since launch! In the a.m., watch live coverage on TV.

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Ecco i primi dati sulla interazione tra vento solare e atmosfera di Plutone e Caronte

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