in every universe/ multiverse, theres a Loki flirting with a Iris, doesnt matter, they could be in a war and their flirting

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[Alone time]
Loki and Iris have time to themselves, also this isn't TVA, this is Loki's storyline before Iris died

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Happy Birthday KIRK THORNTON ( )

Thanks for your performance!

💛 SAïX / ISA (KH2 2005 - Present)
❤🖤 SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG (Sonic Colors/Colours 2010 - Present)

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[forever together]

it was supposed to be a bigger picture but I didn't like how it looked so cut it *cries in Asgardian*

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The Playable Character Sprites in SegaSonic the Hedgehog are really Cute! ^^

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Did some art based on SegaSonic Bros sprites

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Asli sie ini yang bikin nangis brutal apalagi pas ngeliat diluc ama nagasone kanesan ampe mood saya yang awalnya jele tiba tiba jadi hepi ☝☝☝😔😔😔

Pokoknya makasie banyak yums moga pas ayato klee kazuha rerun 10 pull mreka langsung ngebut satsetsatset pulang ke acc kamoe uwu

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gonna continue this tomorrow hruhruhgugrgh

i'm finally done with mutsunokami

nagasone's other arm though... haven't finished it :')

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