Tweaked the Demon on todays stream, thx again for poppin by! WIP Jimmy Govind Art on Twitch and Patreon

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Did some general sketching and tweaked the Cave Dweller a bit! Thx for joining really appreciate it! WIP

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Tweaked the Dark Knight on todays stream, think we're almost done with this one! Thanks again for joining! WIP

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Did a Weird/Creepy Dragon on todays stream, thank you so much for joining! Have a great weekend peoplez! WIP

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Messed around with this one on todays stream, going with this direction for now, thank you so much for joining! WIP Jimmy Govind Art on Twitch and Patreon

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Tried to make the Worm Dragon more interestin on todays stream, preciate you joining!

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Made another weirdo on todays stream! Was so tired haha and got raided, really appreciate it ma peoplez!

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Did my first Alien Study on todays stream, preciate you joining guys! WIP

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Tweaked the Demon Lord on todays stream! Thank you so much for joining! WIP Jimmy Govind Art on Twitch

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Calling another painting done peoplez! Hope you like it!!

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The Great Debate. Read a spectrum of views - , KN Govindacharya, , , , , Arshia Sattar - then ask yourself where you stand.

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Govinda Damodara Madhaveti 08

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by guitarnado Krishna with dry pastel demo ..#krishna

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by rajeshrockskolkata O Govinda! Feeling Your separation, I am considering a moment to be …

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