Afternoon love birds and antisocial! I hope everyone enjoyed there valentines weather u sat alone and ate chocolate or had human interaction, I wish you a the best, lots of love xoxo !

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It's scary cold out there tonight. Be safe cavedwellers!

Snow variant cover featuring a and a by available to order through the publisher's website:

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So this is what we ended up with, I'm still not really happy with the head design gonna mess around with it a bit more WIP Thx for checking anyways

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“Blind” by Matt Cameron


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“Time Can't Wait” by Matt Cameron


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“All at Once” by Matt Cameron


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“Time Can't Wait” by Matt Cameron


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Did some general sketching and tweaked the Cave Dweller a bit! Thx for joining really appreciate it! WIP

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Calling another painting done peoplez! Hope you like it!!

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6..I am ignorant of what he does not know, but I am watching you, O BushDweller! Creep away, O CaveDweller! O StewMeat of Horus! glide back into the Earth! Hey! Come, Night Monster, roll into a ball!'. The hidingPlace in the marshes was Known as 'Swamp of the Bee King'..

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Tweaked my first Cave Dweller on todays stream, think we made some good progress! Thank you for joining and till next time!

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we hope you enjoyed Wolvenheart this past Halloween. ⁣

Wolvenheart is out in local shops next week! Prepare yourself for things to unravel and the stakes (no pun intended) to rise. ⁣#NCBD

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The Show is coming back to town for Issue 2! Make sure your LCS has your ticket punched, ya don’t wanna miss Mad Cave Studios’ newest title, Show’s End. Issue 2 in Previews now!

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It’s early but y’all need to know there’s a show coming to town by and from , make sure your LCS has it ordered for ya. Issue 2 is now in Previews y’all.

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the cavedweller, an enemy in my game concept "Guardian of the Ancient"

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