画質 高画質

Riddle, Floyd, Lilia, and Leona have formed an emo band!

111 870

Estoy disfrutando muchisimo la historia de Ignihyde, las conversaciones entre los personajes son geniales, sobre todo me está encantando la interacción entre Leona y Jamil, aunque todas me gustan mucho. Respecto a las torres estoy consiguiendo pasármelas así que estoy contenta😊.

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HO1..../Virgile-Alban・La・VISEUR (ひしぎ)
HO2..../Leonard (ナツヲ)
HO3..../Morgana (のいすちゃ)
HO4..../Mickaël (ヱド帝王さん)

もう嫌です 帰りたい 嫌 騎士嫌
騎士辞めた方がいいかも 嗚呼 嗚呼

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I can't find the artist but this is sooo cute istg.

Klein in his mind:
*He has feelings for me
He has feelings for me
He has feelings for me
......(7 times)*

"It won't be easy if you're trying to find out my secret (Pallez) through divination."

might be inaccurate

14 74

I tend to draw lewd stuff to relax (no clothes to worry about 'xD)
But apart from that, I think Tirau (the dark haired one from the first two pics) and Leonard (the blue haired demon) are my most comfort ocs

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さんと話していて「モナリザ風」ということで安直に「Mona Lisa style」にしたま大変なことになった。よーしと思って「Leonardo da Vinci」ってしたら、おい、これってどう考えてもあっちの方のダビンチじゃねえかとなった「Leonardo da Vinci style」が3枚目

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