1-Riku & Manana, 2-Riki, 3-Tora, 4-Tatsu.
Riku te apoya y da sensatez durante todo el juego. A Riki lo adoro, pero le falta más trasfondo y psicología. De Tora, su aliciente es ser un maldito pervertido, sin más. Tatsu me parece insufrible y no me aporta nada.

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Hatched a manananggal for HUHUHU THE GINGO CAT I SWEAR


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Manananggal is a Filipino Aswang that detaches her torso from her lower half and then takes flight during the night to eat infants. Her name derives from the Filipino word, "tanggal," which means "to separate" because of her ability to separate itself from its lower body.

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Manananggal Cesar because I am in a art block :'D

1 12

Not the latest hatch, but officially got my Manananggal. Pooled my $DUGO with a mysterious member.

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The first Legendary Manananggal has been summoned by the enigmatic "Emoduwende" ❤️‍🔥🤖❤️‍🔥

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Riku and Manana... RIKu... and Manany... HRM HRM HRM!

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Manananggal snacking on isaw and eyeball boba 🦇

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Different day
Same beautiful Manananggal art

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