📚#Mangadujour : Dans les pas de Nietzsche - est plus intéressant à suivre que les adaptations manga de ses œuvres (Zarathoustra). L'utilisation des concepts clés sont intelligemment investis par l'héroïne et on évite les monologues pompeux et barbants. Réussi.

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I could resist the urge to draw another OC no longer!

This is Benny, he's Bridget's bodyguard, she likes to stand on his head while she monologues, and he's covered himself in pockets to store important things, (including Bridget herself.) He doesn't talk much, mostly grunts.

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The Horrible Folk comics feature monologues from a choir of desperate voices concerning tradition, the orthography of ruins, moonlit secrets, crafty women, their curses, and the beast at night.

And you can get them now: https://t.co/JNnJ2e5goW

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I've been a Disability Artist since "Survival of the Shittest", my rap LP in 1999 (still available!), my writing & show-making over the years, culminating in the forthcoming BBC "Criptales" series of monologues. . Keep Disability Arts alive!

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i drew this during gaius monologues

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Bonus: Internal Monologues 👇👇

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Other cool things about Serafina's Crown!
It's mostly voiced by some GREAT voice actors - key scenes have whole monologues voiced!
You play a woman of colour!
There's a lot of romanceable dudes, if you're into that! Can someone who's into dudes confirm whether they're hot? 8/10

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hideo kojima writing character monologues

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Gonna buy all this stuff and perform Shakespeare monologues in the forest. Why?

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Pre-showdown monologues

Fei: (First I'll put some distance between us by summoning a wall of water. Then, I'll start setting traps while flanking him from the left. If he's stronger than expected, I'll switch to fire and... ...)

Song: (Gonna beat the shit out of this smug fuck)

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In today’s , magical girls always get inner monologues in times of need. But can they always be trusted?


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hi there! i'm doing headshot commissions for donations to UC Berkeley's performance of Our Monologues. RTS APPRECIATED! the basic info is here but thread incoming for more info on the history of the play & why it's important to donate NOW:

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The absolute best part of Sun and Moon was Gladion's stupid monologues I fucking love him

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That time I co-created and co-wrote a comic (Widow’s Web)... and looking at it now versus the, I realize my ability to write dialogue is just internal monologues I have sometimes when faced with really dumb situations.

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I have included monologues pic too but you all would know how distaterous I am with those. I mean I can't even do it in my Naïve Tongue.

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Or when Lucien stood front of the MC, shielding the bullet for her and the monologues went "If we were given another chance, you and me would still end up here this way...". All the foreshadow and character development for Lucien is just top tier

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The Waffle King monologues about his plan (as any good villain should?) in today's all new Wonder Weenies! https://t.co/iGFLCIgBxr

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"I broke down and wept."

One of the best Bruce Wayne monologues ever!

Written by Doug Moench
Art by Gene Colan
'Detective Comics (1984)

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Deaf Awakenings is a brand new theatrical showcase explores in a series of monologues/dialogues/short scenes of Deaf world perspective in language, Deaf image, discrimination and cultural appropriation coming this Spring.

Supported by

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hey remember broderick

I did a couple of silly monologues like this but never got a chance to bring them up in game. He's a professional vampire hunter and well versed in vampire history so of -course- he can say the word

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