Winold Reiss (Allemagne, Karlsruhe 1886 - États-Unis, New York 1953 - Portrait, Art Déco, Modernisme) "Langston Hughes" (1920)

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"Go home and write
a page tonight.
And let that page come out of you —
Then, it will be true."
-- Langston Hughes

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(Reading age: 4-7 years)

Want a sweet and tender picture book showcasing a mother's comforting lullaby? This book pairs the tender poem (same title as the book) by with beautiful artwork by and embraces the loving moments between mother and child.

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Winold Reiss, Portrait of Langston Hughes, 1926. ⭐

This portrait of the Harlem Renaissance poet, executed against a stunning Jazz Age backdrop, served as the cover for our May/June 2021 issue.

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en les paraules, les veus i les imatges.
la manera de construir i apropar-nos la historia, la genealogia,
. . i queden tres sessions al

*img 2017 Isaac

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"A woman commits the most unimaginable betrayals and tries to escape a deadly fate. Even though there is hope, life passes before her eyes..." On Sat, 5pm join us for Pamela Harris's PURPLE DIARIES MONOLOGUES as part this weekend's Showcase.

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:o) Our last onsite is Friday, Dec. 14th! would you like five hours to write/create in brownstone? Now is the TIME! Email: events at to reserve your space as we hold very few spots!

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Hold fast to if dreams die, life is a broken-winged that cannot


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