GREAT COMIC CREATORS IN AMERICAN HISTORY: LeBEAU UNDERWOOD. Penciler/inker who has worked on such titles as Daredevil, The Union, Scream, Noble, Black Order, Static Shock, Black Adam, Stranger Things, Stormwatch, and many others.

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Commissions open. Penciler, inker and colorist.

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I'm a Penciler/Inker/Colorist and soon to be writer published by , Caliber Comics . Here are some sample pages. You can see more work at

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Jim Starlin, the co-creator of Shang-Chi, and Doug Moench, his most popular writer, have both written Lady Shiva. Starlin wrote her in A Death In The Family, and Moench in Knightsend and Batman

Also, both ADITF and Batman share the same penciler: Jim Aparo.

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Avengers (Feb.1967)
The Avengers must escape alien confinement in "To Conquer a Colossus!" Script Roy Thomas, Penciler-Inker Don Heck: Some nice teamwork, but otherwise a pretty standard “conquering aliens” plot, with some of the loosest looking Heck art I’ve seen. 3/5

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She worked as a penciler, cover artist and writer for issues 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 29, 32, 34... in a total of 26 issues!

Find her work here:

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He has worked for Marvel and Disney, so he worked for WITCH as a penciler during 6 years. Now he works for a Spanish videogame company.

He worked for issues 3, 7, 8, 11, 13, 17...

Follow his artworks here:

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The Amazing Spider-Man (2018)
Spider-Man has a little help from his spider-friends and a difficult decision to make. Writer Nick Spencer, Penciler Marcelo Ferreira, Roberto Poggi, Colorist David Curiel: A bit overlong, but the external/internal dialogue was fascinating. 4/5

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Captain Marvel (2019)
Captain Marvel prepares for the future. Writer Kelly Thompson, Penciler Cory Smith, Adriano Di Benedetto, Colorist Tamra Bonvilain: I would have liked to have read this Empyre tie-in earlier, but it was still a satisfying end to Carol’s role in it. 4/5

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Tales to Astonish (Feb.1967)
Hulk is not hailed as a hero for long in “Boomerang and the Brute!" Script Stan Lee, Penciler-Inker Gil Kane: Almost got whiplash from how quickly Lee reverts to Hulk’s status quo, but I see glimpses of classic-looking Kane art in this issue. 3/5

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Tales to Astonish (Feb.1967)
Suffering another defeat by the Sub-Mariner, Attuma and his army of barbarians discover "A Stranger Strikes From Space!" Script Stan Lee, Penciler-Inker Bill Evertt: An extreme plot-contrivance makes an already unremarkable story less-so. 2.5/5

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The Amazing Spider-Man (2018)
Sin Eater gathers a posse. Writer Nick Spencer, Penciler Marcelo Ferreira, Inker Roberto Poggi, Colorist David Curiel: A gang of masked men ready to do violence, hits pretty close to home. 3.5/5

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Tales to Astonish (Dec.-1966)
Banner saves the city and the Hulk saves himself in "The Birth of... The Hulk-Killer!" Script Stan Lee, Penciler John Buscema, Inker Mike Esposito: Lee hones the tragic element of the Hulk well, while Buscema drives home his unbridled power. 4/5

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Tales to Astonish (Dec.-1966)
The Sub-Mariner is caught up in "The Wrath of Warlord Krang!" Script Stan Lee, Penciler Jerry Grandenetti, Inker Bill Everett: The Krang plot is wearing thin; especially with the absence of Colan’s graceful pencils. 3/5

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Thor (Dec.-1966)
Thor must challenge “The Maddening Menace of the Super-Beast!" Script Stan Lee, Plot-Penciler Jack Kirby, Inker Vince Colletta: High Evolutionary and Thor fighting the Man-Beast and his evil Ani-Men drawn in sprawling splash-pages as only Kirby can! 4.5/5

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Card Number: NEW-015

Comic: X-Force (2009). Issue 20, page 11.
Penciler: Mike Choi
Inker: Mike Choi
Colorist: Sonia Oback
Writers: Craig Kyle; Chris Yost

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X-Men/Fantastic Four (2020)
The X-Men and the Fantastic Four unite against Doom. Writer Chip Zdarsky, Penciler Terry Dodson, Inkers Rachel Dodson & Ranson Getty, Colorist Laura Martin: Zdarsky’s tonal shifts to light/dark and the Dodson’s art, bring this to a ideal ending. 5/5

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The Amazing Spider-Man Annual (Nov.1966)
The Avengers seek Spider-Man out “..To Become an Avenger!" Script Stan Lee, Layouts John Romita, Penciler Don Heck, Inker Mike Esposito: This fun, but lightweight tale allows many of the Marvel heroes to interact for the first time. 3/5

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