Artist Daniel Miller created “super-scale” sculptures for the movies “Honey I shrunk the Kids” and “Chronicles of Riddick”. Learn more about his work here:

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Model is Paris from Posespace, I must've done this on my "recycled" paper since the paint looks kinda splotchy... been a while since I swapped back to fresh paper but that's one of the reasons why.


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In this Q&A art model Julian Lewis shares with PoseSpace hilarious anecdotes, how he manages his time, about Hen and Stag Parties with life models, as well as great recommendations to anyone who wants to become a figure model:

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“My work is exclusively focused on the human figure and consequently I have been a longtime fan of PoseSpace”
Interview with artist Brian Smith-->

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Use Johnv059 for your next artwork! Improve your figure drawing skills using this nude male model as a reference:

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“PoseSpace and the Art Model Books are really providing some of the absolute best resource material for artists of the figure. I tell drawing students about them all the time” -Lewis Braswel

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Visit our Newest Poses section and discover fresh poses like Ivylee031!-->

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“I have several PoseSpace models I gravitate to but the one I have painted the most is Jenni. She has brought me awards and she graces my business card. She garners the most comments in my newly opened gallery, Mo’zArt.” Dennis Young-->

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In this Q&A Davey Edwards shares with his goals and aspirations as an artist, his favorite painters, and the life experiences that have influenced his work:

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Download a FREE sample of Art Models 10 and take a look at some high quality photo references for artists→

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In this Q&A painter Dennis Young shares with PoseSpace how he became a doctor and an artist, his regrets and satisfactions, advices for students or artists interested in plein air painting, and more:

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Take a look at Monikat042 on our Newest poses section! More fresh poses→

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New poses available!! Explore our Recent Additions:
Pose featured: Ivylee008

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It’s so encouraging to receive kind messages from all over the world from artists that are using our poses as reference to create amazing artworks. Thank you!!

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Nathan Fiveash specializes in oil paintings using surrealist imagery and traditional figure painting techniques.
Can you recognize some of our models in his paintings?-->

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“Marker hue layering / figure practice based on Posespace IrinaV reference -- practicing capturing highlights & values” via

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