Conviure amb un trastorn d'estat d'ànim és incertesa. Pots passar unes dies fantàstics i després pam, enfonsar-te i només tenir ganes de desaparèixer, literalment.
Cap de setmana agredolç, però amb coses també positives que no voldria oblidar, sobretot saber que no s'està sol. 💛

4 61

gonna just focus on the positives today ~

1 6

Und nun was positives:
Ich bin als Mitarbeiter im ÖPNV nun berechtigt meine Corona Schutzimpfung zu bekommen! 👍😁
Das ist mir besonders wichtig um meine Kinder mehr zu schützen. Besonders weil meine Große eine Lungenvorerkrankung hat.
Termine am 20.05. und 01.07.! 💉💉

0 4

„Urteil zu Klimaschutzgesetz:
Positives Signal für junge Generation“

17 20

Force et courage! Pleins d'ondes positives sur ta bouille! 💕

0 2

Pour le dessin du jour, quelques vibes positives en attendant l'été avec 🔥

Merci à toi d'avoir d'avoir pris la pose 🔥

2 18

study warns of 'oxygen in search for signs of on other planets — in the atmosphere may not be an entirely reliable
👁‍🗨 via

8 12

"Sad Fesq" vs "Happy Fesq"

One of the positives of doing "everydays" for 1 year was to understand how my daily mood affects my pieces.


12 113

Back to the positives. Pokémon’s I find cute

3 5

RT! Last Call For Pre-Campaigners! ➡️

Only 33 opportunities remain. You KNOW the rewards, you know the perks, you know the positives... now imagine the possibilities when we all engage together.... Jump in now for eternal shade and sweet water! ~ Liz 🥰

8 27

Try to focus on the all positives comments and not on the few negatives ☺️❤️

0 2

Well, I hope the positives increase and the negatives decrease

0 1

You have to find the positives.

28 96

It may not have gone the way you wanted it to and you might not have done everything you wanted to (or maybe you did, in which case that’s awesome!) but today was one of a finite number we get so look for the positives whatever they may be.✨

0 1

I couldn’t wait any longer. Here is my contribution to March 3rd. ⚔️⚙️⚔️

This is a sad day, but I choose to find the positives in friends & fellow creatives in this fandom. I will remember that Lexa’s legacy is peace. It resonates even today in this crazy world.

48 191

Screw it, let’s focus on the positives today!


4 58

A year of constant shifting pulls the need for centered moments into focus. How we center is different for everyone but in the end it brings us all the balance and the fortitude needed to persevere. Proud to be a Lancer.

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