god just her tone of voice shook him so much... he is genuinely unaware here but bruh got a bit of a proverbial slap

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Contextualized, this trite existential crisis on proverbial paper has the same energy as these:


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More art coming down the proverbial pipeline!
does it again with this fantastic work! Makes me eager for a Delta Green movie.

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coi proverbi: Chi vuole vada e chi non vuole mandi.
Proverbio italiano

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Quest’opera di Angelo Caroselli rappresenta un’allegoria della vanità, come leggiamo sul foglio che la donna sta affiggendo, con la proverbiale frase biblica “Vanitas vanitatum, omnia vanitas” (“Vanità delle vanità, tutto è vanità”).

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coi proverbi: Un misero accordo è meglio di una ricca causa legale.
Proverbio tedesco

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La mejor forma de cometer errores es creer que te las sabes todas. (Proverbios 3:7)

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Monday - Goals for the week!

- Finish first round of onscreen edits for The Price of Humanity.
- Scrub Henny pixels.
- Read books.
- Sell books.
- Self-care: Take time to smell the proverbial roses. Also 🍸.

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Perhaps I should hop on the proverbial bandwagon and do some pixel art on this

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Hi Noisy, various styles out the proverbial waZOO here:


I can of course draw any animal. Or household appliance. Or emotion. Or abstract concept.
(we're illustrators, don't they know we can draw everything?)

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se centró en la viga en su reciente escenificación de la proverbial comparación evangélica, mientras que la discográfica portada de Kim ponía en 2001 la polisémica paja en el ojo de Martínez el Facha

➕#humor y
➡️➡️ https://t.co/KjtqlTJYVJ

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Incluso el proverbio de Spidey dicho por Norrin es bonito.

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Kindred's (and especially Wolf) parts are by far my absolute favorite bits to read, I'm crazy for the artistic brothers, Thresh was delightfully maniac and I also surprisingly re-evaluated Vayne as a champion!
And my proverbial hatred for Riven was once again confirmed.

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Al contadino non far sapere quanto è buono il cacio con le pere ( cioè se tutti venissero a conoscenza di un secreto non sarebbe più tale)
Proverbio Siciliano
Botero- Picnic

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much appreciated!
the team GAN responded with about 100 checkpoints -
finding myself tied in proverbial knots

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I’ll throw my proverbial hat into the rink:

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DEADLY CLASS Vol. 9 in stores NOW
It’s a wild story. Helmut goes to find Petra’s Dad’s death cult, Marcus & Maria are back at the school, and it all ends with a party in a winter cabin that has some shocking revelations, and as usual, the proverbial poop hits the proverbial fan.

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1ª edición de la 4ª gran serie de “Los Proverbios”, de
☑ Madrid, por la Real Academia de Nobles Artes de San Fernando, 1864.
☑ Portada y 18 estampas sin numerar.
☑ Disponible en la (Plaza San Martín, 3, Madrid).

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