New PixBattler Release!
Healer Gladis!
Bring this character to your game today!

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Found this cool software for organizing my game dev work. 😄 (it's free!)

(Came across it while exploring the 'tools' section on

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My currently in-progress project!

A game with a (supposed) concept of "Find your inner self in this strange and dangerous world!"

Had to delete nearly all plugins, but it was a successful to conversion!

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Pixbattlers Now available!

Grab Apolonia and Stan for free as celebration of this line's release!

Grab more Pixbattlers in a special 50% off launch bundle!

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If anyone needs me to do character art for them...
Chibi Assassin: $20
Full Body: $30 (for a limited time)
-Per Piece-

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MZ Plugin Battle Action Window
Replaces the log window with a simple action window.

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Our last poster about Killer Gin! This is the n.8!
An amazing playable also online!
Made usign
You can play the FREE version on indiexpo website!
Discover it now!

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번들 S에 포함된 트리니티팩은 퀄리티가 좋습니다...만...
제네레이터 소스를 사용하는 순간 당신의 캐릭터는
팔다리가 자라나게 됩니다.

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First MZ test with Librarium creatures!
Librarium has a library of over 1,200 battlers available at your disposal for commercial projects!

Check out Librairum's free ultrapack to access a roster of over 900 RPG assets today!

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Have you incorporated Eldritch Corruption battlers into your projects yet? One of Librarium's largest archetype with over 30 creatures, including statics and animated bosses! !

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April-May-June & July Librarium patreon reward sets now available through gumroad! Check them out today!
These packs will also be available through tonight!

Gumroad: :

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What I've been up to in the past little while. This will probably be finished... soonish. Maybe. ... ... Don't hold me to that.😂

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VisuStella and Ækashics has teamed up!
The Dragonbones Union plugin will be packaged together with existing tiers on Librarium's patreon!

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