"Oh man, I've only had 12 Breakfast Chonk Sandwiches, three dozen Chonk Donuts and five Chonk Shakes and I already feel like I'm gonna explode... What do those restaurants put in those Chonk dishes?"

4 51

Because of Kodai's near limitless appetite, unlike Atlas who can get used to his constantly aching belly, Kodai somehow feels more bloated, more nauseous, and much fatter by the day to the point where he never gets used to it.

4 68

Shogouki: I AIN'T CUTE!!!

Also Shogouki:

5 36

I couldn't help but notice that in the few pics following his post-birthday pic (the first one shown), the sliver of belly peeking out has remained consistent.

15 67

Goliath: Hehehehe... Look at this big jelly belly. So round and bouncy... 🥴
Kodai: Uhhh... Dad? You okay? This ain't like you... 😟
Mapocha: Uh oh... I think gaining all that weight made him loose his mind...😰

8 64

"Oh God... Pops really knows how to cook a steak... and a brisket... and a damn good duck... If this keeps up... *BUUUURRRRRP* I think I might turn into a Fat Boy next..."

14 83

Goliath: Good God, I feel like a blimp. I forgot how much your cooking fattens me up...
Atlas: Damn straight, son! You lookin' more like a proper Chonk by the day! Now let's see that big ol' bouncy jello bowl!
Goliath: Eheheheheh...

19 80

"Uhhhnnn... So full... So fat... So hungry... I'm looking more and more obese by the day... *BUUUUUUURRRRRRRRP* Excuse me... I've been having really bad stomachaches and it's been making me gassy..."

10 69

Yolanda's design is kinda a mesh of Tiana from The Princess and the Frog and Anna from Frozen.

2 9

I sometimes randomly remember that this Fat Boy is a mecha pilot and think "what would people think of this overfed jelly donut piloting a giant robot?"

6 73

I know is tomorrow, but I couldn't resist making some Pride Icons for some of my LGBTQA characters! We've got Makigumo for asexuality, Ryu & Futoru for Homosexuality, and Tora Nojima for bisexuality! Enjoy!

10 45

Weird take, but I find Fake!Luffy (aka Three-Tongued Demalo Black) kinda hot...

5 40

Kodai: Dad, I think we need to have a talk about our diet...
Goliath: What was your first clue, Fat Boy?! Christ, it's just like when I was a kid all over again...

8 61

I'm thinking of design ideas for a super form for Zeke, which is basically my answer to Super Sailor Moon...

Fun times! 🙃

2 21

"I ain't good with a sword, but I do know how to cut you up!"

Here's yet another Zeke doodle! This time, he's brandishing his energy sword! ...yes, he has one. Don't ask...

9 35

"Bucho... Mio... 100 burgers... really pack on the pounds... All that grease... and beef... and cheese... just turning into dough and jelly... I think... *BUUUUUUURRRRRRRRP* I'm becoming obese..."

23 105

I'm bored and I wanna talk about my cyborg son Zeke. So hit me! Headcanons, questions, comments? Anything!

1 21

"Bucho Mio... I feel like I've eaten a thousand pounds worth of food from Atlas' cooking... yet it feels like I've gained a million pounds from all of that eating... but I'm still so hungry..."

21 96

Kodai: *hefts heavy belly* Man, I've gotten really fat...
Atlas: Fat? Kid, you're a whale! A shame you overchonked early. You could have been so much bigger.
Kodai: But I'm over 2000 pounds! How can I be even bigger?!

10 57