in tenté hacer un redraw de un sprite de ishimaru 😌

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KIYOTAKA ISHIMARU !! he plays golf now because uhhh i said so lmao- i love him smmmm🤧💕💕💕

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Ok idk how to draw six packs

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Look at my tiny man 😔😔😔

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Sometimes you win and sometimes you get to caress your friend's thigh while sleeping on it cause Violence isn't allowed on school grounds

1 21

Kinda simp for this🥺💞

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Anyway you don't understand how long I’ve been wanting to do genderbends!!!! I love fem!Taka so much. I feel like she’d have similar bangs to Celeste idk why, anyway she cute or whateva!! I really like the pixel brush its so nice.

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New talentswap!! Ultimate Hacker Kiyotaka Ishimaru!! I tried to get as close to his colors as I could without making it look mastermind-y.

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