We keep growing our range and this morning have a unveiled new collection of European trains. We also have some -whisper it- seasonal items.


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Fuck I’m always put on the spot with these art trains. I do art and fuck bitches but I only actually do one of those things. https://t.co/ZHI0IsJUDc

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Because she never participates in their missions, she ONLY trains. This is so that when she returns to the main story, she'd be as strong if not slightly stronger than Zoro, and SHE will challenge mihawk 1st and lose, which will show mihawks full potential and THEN he fights Zoro

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Been standing in the studio the Sunday, work hit back with some strains...

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Thank you Tudes! 💜💜💜

So many trains. Who is going to start an art Congo line?? 😆😆

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Thank ps for this Art trains. Feel like to follow me. https://t.co/IgYJzIhS6s

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I've rescued the A-Z of Railhead from the wreckage of my old website. Worth a browse if you want to know how I came to write a space adventure and why it's full of trains.
https://t.co/6U3Q9yrlnF Art by

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Day 14:
Janet Shepard
A superb fighter and negotiator, Janet is a role model for many and is well-loved by her crew.

She dances in her free time as well as trains.

TH: https://t.co/ztdeGJkXiZ

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ART TRAINS... I SEE EM. here's some various stuff i've done lately! tysm lins for the tag!!

if you want!! https://t.co/A5XOSheCuA

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If anything, this story shows that with enough people you can move some really big stones without trucks or trains... you just need a lot of people, wood, and rope.

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The 1,250 ton Thunder Stone was quarried and transported 6 km (3.7 miles) from its original location in 1770. All of this was done without bulldozers or trains. It took almost 2 entire years to get it to Saint Petersburg, but as far as history tells us they didn't need aliens.

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just remembered I was tagged in like 4 art trains and I killed them. I killed those art trains. my bad

here's 4 arts I've done that I like. the last 2 I have posted before but not in a long long time. enjoy =)

warning there is a OTP smooch

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I like trains. C: its an Art train baby! Looking back, I've really made some strides this year...

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I kinda like these art trains. I gotta find more time to draw

These guys are super cool:

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what a respectable young man, i wonder if he likes trains.

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The name's Penguin and I'm a doodler of several things, mainly the much wholesome. I doodle things such as noodles and trains.

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Working on a Board game about bandits robbing a space trains. Early in development.

Only posting my favourites, the rest are on insta.

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Guess I’ll jump in and join the
The names Penguin, or Jorgen if you’d like. I’m 19 years of age and have been drawing for around 3 years now. I like to doodle multiple things, including wholesomes, noodles, and trains.

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Je dessine des BDs avec des grosses voitures et des pigeons mais je préfère la lune et les trains.

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